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Anne Lang

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Everything posted by Anne Lang

  1. my fit pal or some such helped me go from 165 down to 129 as of this morn
  2. today is a walking day if rain not to hard ill do outside if not up and down the hall at work then before dinner will be my strength stuff i finally came down a pound only 4 more to reach my goal i set last Christmas it is strange though tape measure says no inches lost yet many clothes i cant wear anymore cause they are to big coworker says it cause i tied my tubes and that pooch belly is from that and will never go away
  3. lucky im jealous ill keep my eyes out for sales
  4. ah yes doing the same rout can be a bit dull i have only one safe rout if i run on lunch break or right before work i like weekends when i can mix it up glad you beat the new hill
  5. i know my daughter hurt her shoulder bowling with a ball that was drilled improperly she did pt and it was just a lot of excersizes and heat and ice she hated the ice and the booring repetitivness but it was not heart pumping or calorie burning excersize you are right
  6. welcome Alligrl keep us posted on how you are doing have fun chasing your little one
  7. um i thought pt was excersize but anyway welcome back to running i dont think this will be to hard for you as you sound fit already. thank you for deciding to serve and please keep us posted on your progress
  8. set up a timer on your phone? contact customer support not sure what i would do or try good luck
  9. SO cool but out of budget for now
  10. good job. outdoor is great indoor better than not running
  11. i never smoked but my mom did the happiest day of my life was when she quit and i could start to breath real air at home so thank you all for quitting glad the running is going so well
  12. I agree with ruthie also read some other forums to get tips on breathing and or do web search feel better post updates please
  13. was not a runner am turning into one with this app good luck have fun
  14. I just want to shout for joy with how far you have come. i have heard that yoga and tia chi are both good for stress i can never get through lesson one because it invoves breathing but with running my breathing is improving so maybe soon my 14 yr old and i sometimes just yell scream whatever you want to call it or punch pillows to de stress as i think im starting my changes and my hormones shift stress has increased as i hate drs and chemicals i will not do hormone therapy but it might work for others.
  15. had so much fun on my lunch break run! week 3 is down and done tacked on extra min run on that last 3 min strech so 4 min piece o
  16. i think a lot of runners have a touch of ocd tendancies lol so funny i can just picture you jumping of treadmill and going out and hey you threw stairs in there wow
  17. what is a clean house hair and make up only for church and special ocasions running and feeling good as much as i can do without injuring myself (folowig guidlines of this app) thats me
  18. cold i can do slippery wet leaves or snow and ice in the way that will be my road blocks cant wait to run later
  19. You can do this each day gets easier. Put a rest day inbetween each run day repeat days if you need to untill you feel like you nailed that work out. Google some strength training excersizes that you can do at home on the off running days. There are lots of tips on breathing and form on these forums and on the web. I cant wait to start reading about your progress. It is good to have a runnning budy glad your boy will do this with you
  20. way to go 51 on start week 3 tomorrow i will repeat days if i need. What an inspiration you all are 66 and running with asthma holy cow. If u can do it I can
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