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Everything posted by KellyAnn

  1. Way to go, that is awesome. If you want to see it again, just uncheck that day and check it again, it should reappear I think! That has to feel so good. Woohoo! Congratulations!
  2. Welcome to you two!!! You can do this. I Posted a link below for beginner running tips. Hope this helps. Keep us posted. I cannot wait to hear. http://www.active.com/running/articles/10-tips-for-beginning-runners
  3. You are all doing great, YAY!
  4. AMY!!! Nice to have you back!! You go this!! Proud of you, GOOD LUCK!!
  5. Hi There, Welcome to you and you CAN DO THIS!! Proud of your for starting... GOOD LUCK!!!
  6. WELCOME TO THE TWO OF YOU!!! You got this YAY!!!!
  7. OH MY GOSH, that is tough..... Glad you are way better now... ugghhh!!!!! Keep us posted here!!! HUGS!
  8. Hey, Keep us posted here as to how all of you are doing??? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!!!
  9. Hi Netty, Welcome here, Super super proud of you!! Ya might feel it after the next few runs, but if you have already been working out, you might not at all,which is awesome! Keep it up!
  10. Hi Jewel, Look how tough you are with 3 boys and 3 c sections!!!!.. I have had 2 myself..... No worries in running with it. Make sure you have clearance from your Dr. before you do... I would give it 8 weeks and start slowly... Maybe walking for now and work your way up from there??? We are all here for you on your journey to be a healthier you!!
  11. Very nice Janviv, great advice.... Don't be too hard on yourself Connie... This is for you and nooone else... Maybe try some drills to help with endurance and speed??? I am very proud of you!! Keep it up!
  12. WHEW, Glad you are ok.... Definitely take that with you on your runs... How are you doing now? Good Luck!
  13. WElcome Back Cara, Everyone does that here and there!! You GOT THIS! Good Luck!
  14. Hi There and welcome to you! You can do it!
  15. Hi There Mambo and Welcome here! You will feel so great about yourself.. Your whole body will love you for it! Here is a great article I found.. http://www.active.com/running/articles/6-benefits-of-running Here for you !!!
  16. Hi There Meg. Yeah, sometimes life is hard, and we want to return to our beds., where the world is safe!!! I have had those days. NOW I AM GOING TO GET TOUGH, LOL.... GET OUT OF THAT BED, get out the door and run, or on a treadmill. YOU WILL FEEL WAY BETTER........ Your kids will love you for it, and you will be a much happier Mom for them. They are your light, your reason for lving and feeling good about yourself.... My hubby is gone every week, no more kids for me left at home, and what I WOULD GIVE to have kids here again... I miss that life... Get UP, Clean the house, strap on those shoes and get outdoors..... You can do it.... I am so prou of you for this post.. Everyone is here for you!!!!! KEEP ME POSTED!!! I luv ya!!! You can do this! Ok, I think I just motivated myself to move it!!! lol
  17. Happy on your new baby. Fun... Yeah, sometimes pregnancies are harder than the others.. Sounds like you are doing great now? Take it slow and you can do it!!! Happy Momma, Happy Life for everyone else.!! Hee Hee!!! Keep us posted, Good luck!
  18. Hi Jackie, Most of use the mapmyrun like Clairey said, or NIKE, those are good ones, just have them running in the background!
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