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Everything posted by Breezee

  1. It is hard running at this time of the year - have to be up early or out late to beat the heat.
  2. Well done Roman soldier, you are over half way. I found week 4 extremely tough. This is my third attempt at finishing c25k and did week 8 day 3 today. Missed the cue and started walking at the one minute left so still have to repeat it. We will get there.
  3. I am up to 30 minute runs too now but not ready to move into the 10km yet. Have my first race end of Jan so am going to try some interval training twice a week between long runs. Week one looks so easy now!!
  4. Spend the money on some good shoes - it is well worth the investment. It will also help you get out there to justify the cost!
  5. I am turning 45 in a few months - haven't run since high school and am loving this programme. One of the big things it has taught me is time. I now prioritise my running and look forward to it. As a busy homeschool mumma to nine kids, oldest with a disability, finding time was hard but now it is just part of my routine.
  6. We have park runs in Australia - I just want to get my speed up before I go to one so I don't embarrass myself!
  7. My oldest boy has cerebral palsy and I take him twice a week to a personal trainer. This has been great for him and the PT makes me a programme to work on at the same time he is working with my boy. I have been working my core and upper body more while I let the running work my legs. The hip pain has really only been in the last few runs.
  8. Day 3 - the voice prompts failed on me and I stopped at 29 minutes!! Had this happen on me before. Any help with hip pains??? Set in around 25 minute mark. I think I had made it harder on myself with extra crappy food in my diet at this time of year. I ran in the rain today - it was good! Does anyone else have issues with plovers?
  9. Have a rest day, run when it's cooler and get back out there!
  10. Every second day - you will need your rest days.
  11. Half marathon -21kms!!!! Big jump from 10kms. You've got this!
  12. Week 8 day 2 - I might finish this before the year ends!
  13. Day 2 complete - my hips were killing me. First time been sore like this.
  14. It Christmas Day and I did week 8 day 1!!!! So pumped!
  15. Welcome back - how far did you get the first time? I am on attempt number 3 and will finish this time!
  16. I have just switched from map my run to strava - the first few days of changeover I had both going along with c25k and my iTunes playlist. Lots going on in my head!!!
  17. Yeh I am thinking a break day would be good and I like your idea of going for the 25minutes and if I feel I have it in me towards the end go for the 28.
  18. I did wk7d3 today and barely did it. Wondering if I repeat a few more times before moving onto week 8?
  19. I did wk7d3 today and barely did it. Wondering if I repeat a few more times before moving onto week 8?
  20. Climb was great - views at the top were worth it. Now to get back to business and finish week 7 before Christmas.
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