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Everything posted by Breezee

  1. W9d1 complete - my goal is to get under 40 minutes for a 5km before my first race.
  2. I am getting just over 40 minute 5km - only reached 5km mark in the last few runs.
  3. Don't you dare give up!!! Be careful what you post on here or one of us will hunt you down and chase you with a big stick!!! Keep running - it will get easier and you will learn to look forward to your run and enjoy it. Now get back out there!
  4. The long runs I am having no trouble with my breathing but my body (legs and hips) are struggling. I am hoping it is just me going up a level and they will adapt. Will need to push through it. I am due for new runners soon. I have a 5km fun run on Australia Day.
  5. I did a 5k run today - I was painfully slow. Need to get my speed up.
  6. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
  7. I'm encouraged! As long as you as working in with your doctors advice go for it. Start off with fast walking if you need to. It can be less jarring on your bones.
  8. 15/45 interval run for 30 minutes - was a bit easier this time. Will up it next time.
  9. I use strava to add friends and follow each other's runs, times, distances, etc.
  10. You mummas with babies please don't push yourself too much. It take a good year or so for your body to recover after birth and pregnancy - more so if you have had a c section. If you are breastfeeding please drink lots - your bubba needs their milk. Speaking as a doula and mumma of nine kids. X
  11. Go you! Can't wait to hear about your races . My very first race of 5km is booked in for 3 weeks time. Getting nervous.
  12. Breezee

    Broken toe!!!

    Could you use an exercise bike or rowing machine while your toe is healing?
  13. I am doing some interval training runs so will keep doing those til you're ready to tackle week 9. I need to get my speed up.
  14. I admit that looking through to the 10km the time factor could be huge for me. These sessions are around an hour long. While I think I can do it it is the working around my kids where the problem may be. I will be taking this slow speeding sloth - you will be waiting for me soon.
  15. I did day one week 9 today and was a toughie. I will need lots of mojo to get through to 10km.
  16. Well done Rob - you are help me to keep going. I just did my first day of week 9. It was tough. The last 10 minutes set I only ran for 6 minutes then ran/walked the last 4, mostly ran. What a jump - my whole body is screaming at me!!! I will need heaps of motivation through this one I think.
  17. You do well - I would get bored on a treadmill.
  18. C210k is a 14 week programme and you can start at week 9. I am about to start it as well.
  19. Welcome aboard - how you find the time to run with kids? My older kids are now 13,14,15 so can leave them with the younger ones and oldest disabled one. It has been a struggle over the years finding time for exercise but finally my time has come.
  20. Interval running - 15/45 for 30 minutes. Harder than I thought!
  21. 15 minutes! Well done. I bet you could hardly run 1 minute a few weeks ago? Slow down to pace yourself. The time is more important than the distance at this stage.
  22. Hey I'm in qld too. I run first light - out there by 5am. I drink plenty after but not before. Mix up flats with hills if you can.
  23. Finished!!!! Pushed through the pain and felt good. Now to get my speed up.
  24. Finished week 8 c25k today. Not running full 5km yet but will start 10k app and some interval running to help speed. Go me!
  25. My last run was the first time I had run entirely on the road in prep for race in a few weeks. Usually I mix it up with road and trails. I'm on week 8 so runs are 28minutes plus. I seem to have a very tender part of the bottom of my right foot on the front pad (not heel or arch). Doesn't seem to be a plantar wart. Any ideas? I have good shoes and am resting up with it strapped and comfrey oil.
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