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Anne Lang

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Everything posted by Anne Lang

  1. did some walking and stretching today wanted to run so bad but did not im a little tight now from standing around at bowling alley daughter is on a league. Hope u all are doing good Happy Halloween keep candy eating low. Im hopping to limit my consumption. Happy running and posting
  2. i went for a slow walk about half my old walking distance felt good so i walked a little faster i did stretch after still feels ok. a little tight after standing around while my daughter bowled so i guess im recovering not going to run till sometime next week but i sure had the itch to. Thanks for the support
  3. woke up and my leg feels normal im going to try for a walk today see how it goes
  4. not running but now im having dreams about running guess that means im missing it
  5. not running but now im having dreams about running guess that means im missing it
  6. sleep is important for many reasons hope you get a good rest
  7. like bowling just try and beat your average
  8. Anne Lang

    Calf pain

    muscle is heavier than fat. so yes u made goal in my book good job
  9. what a great day a good pair of running sox might help those tired sore feet i tried a free pair of thorlos and love them wish i could afford a few more
  10. it is a minor pull so i am to rest it i have no swelling so i can ice and elevate can do compression also so now i wait and see how long it takes to heal i dont have a foam roller yet but roll of paper towels helped some thank you for your support
  11. set back!! pulled calf muscle now i have to rest then strech and strenghthen sigh
  12. Anne Lang

    Calf pain

    know the feeling pulled my calf 30 sec into run this morning looking it up i have to rest it this will set me back and with winter comming i may not get to complete didvu ever make your goal
  13. Anne Lang

    Calf pain

    know the feeling pulled my calf 30 sec into run this morning looking it up i have to rest it this will set me back and with winter comming i may not get to complete didvu ever make your goal
  14. Going stat health agter work
  15. Anne Lang

    felt a pop

    w2d2 first run 30 sec in felt a pop in my lower calf had to stop so upset and i was so motivated to get this run in b4 bad weather came
  16. Thanks Jeshi on the graphic
  17. what knee excersizes i twisted my right knee at work just a little and notice after a run some discomfort also if ive been siting in the evening for to long knees feel stiff im 51 and trying to get a little more fit my 81 yr old dad has more energy than i do
  18. Chelsea you can do it we all can . Your choices are your choices and if they are working for you then you did what was right for you. proud of you for changing your life. Enjoy this app i am. Hobohemiangirl Im 51 and know what you mean about getting up and going but it feels so good when you do and you go after what you want. I only need to maintain my wheight. but i want to feel healthy also. 3 cheers to all us runners and walkers
  19. I also fast walk long distances my jog and walk seem to take about the same amount of time for the same distance but i can walk way longer than i can jog and this app is what is helping me breath and enjoy running
  20. Thanks for doing a good job you will get a reward in the end
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