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TheRoseWithin~Shannon last won the day on January 12 2015

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About TheRoseWithin~Shannon

  • Birthday 09/25/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Richland Washington
  • Interests
    Being a Mom(!!), gardening, cooking, playing with photo software, reading, movies, music, books, gaming - eclectic tastes. Currently focused on exercise and becoming fit again - physically, emotionally and mentally. I allowed my life-giving/affirming interest in fitness to wane ... no more! :)
    "The worst run ever is still better than no run at all." ~ Anonymous

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  1. I am still alive - just in case anyone missed me ... LOL Computer will be gone for one more week, (I suck at texting responses from kindle, so I am waiting for my computer) and then I'll be back regularly to check in/update, AND check up on your YOUR updates - can't wait!! I've missed reading and being inspired/motivated from updates, and contributing/responding as well! Hoping all are doing wonderfully well! CHEERS!!
  2. Right on for sticking with it; for picking back up where you left off!!! <3
  3. "Some people think your life changes forever the second you cross the finish line. Runners know that your life changes forever the second you decide to go to the starting line." ~Anonymous This is so true for me. I am able to celebrate afterwards, yet I experience the most growth beginning and during my journey towards my goal.

  4. Hi Anbeltz! Congrats on your first day and warmest of welcomes! Please keep us posted on your progress! Cheers!
  5. Grats Tesla!! Welcome welcome!! Keep us posted! CHEERS!
  6. Hi Christina! Warmest of Welcomes and Congrats on beginning!! I too love that you are seeking to add exercise into a very busy schedule - school/college can be so stressful! Please keep us posted on each step! I'd love to hear how you continue to progress! CHEERS!
  7. Good Morning Hermia!!! RIGHT ON!!! Love your happy energy - better than a shot of coffee! Happy Monday to you as well!
  8. I smiled reading the above ... it was beautiful to read! As corny as this next thought sounds ... I betcha, had I been next to you, I would have seen beauty in your breathing in spite of your wide open mouth and gasping breaths. I'd say, "You're doing it! You did it! I am so glad I was here to see you press on! So proud of you!" I betcha, you would have said something similar to me after seeing me huff and puff and sweat all over as well! LOL High Five!!
  9. Very, very (for lack of a better word) ... C O O L !!!!
  10. Right on! Carebear, please keep us posted on your progress!! Cheers!!
  11. Hi Smiling!! Your post made me think of what one of our members did in regards to running and being surprised by her time: For fun, Cendorly, completed a 5k run using her 5K training (she jog/walked) and received her best time to date - she knocked off 10 minutes! I thought, what a great idea! I had set a goal to run a 5K in March, yet in the back of my mind, I knew I would cancel if not ready - "I must be running 30 minutes before I can move on .... or else!!" Dun dun dunnnn! HA! (yes, I really did link a sound effect LOL) Today, I am NOT going to wait until I have it down. I am definitely going to participate in March. I'll bring my app, listen to music and view my first 5K as a normal weekly workout - I imagine the nervous excitement of simply being present will encourage a new record! Doable, fun and spontaneous, and it gets me out of my perfectionist mode of having to do it by the book. More 5k's will come along and eventually I'll nail that 30 minutes, and who knows(!!) ... I may nail it before my first 5K! Nothing is set in stone. LOL Can't wait to be where you are today Running and Smiling! I am wishing for you: LOADS of fun running and less nervousness, and cheering you on from afar, yet near in heart! Btw, when I complete my first 30 minutes, I too wish to set my goals on a 10K and was planning on jumping ahead and picking up where the 5K leaves off. Like Timb, I too breathe through my mouth - deep breaths. I've tried through my nose, yet it does not feel right. If you are curious about breathing, I found this article interesting and helpful: How to Breathe When Running Cheers to increasing our speed, our stamina and our overall health and well-being, AND to participating in many fun runs to come!!!
  12. Right on siSTAR!! Neat neat neat!!!! It is such an incredible feeling to push ourselves in ways that stretch our mind and bodies! Happy for you and with you!!
  13. Sounds like you are being patient AND determined with yourself Spage! Right there with you - heart and soul. Cheers!!!
  14. Loved your message!!! Gratitude attitude to begin with, RIGHT ON, and congrats on completing week 1 Amy! Your gratitude comment made me think of Nancy Sinatra's song: These Boots Are Made for Walkin I replaced boots with feet ... I know ... goofy! LOL My suggestion would be to stay with what you are doing. As time goes on, notice what times work best, and then set aside those times for your run. Week 1 was a success - your commitment and passion kept moving those feet forward! Rinse repeat for Week 2, AND as needed, adjust as necessary. As a mother of four this is what I did. At times I HAD to adjust and instead of getting upset, I went with the flow. That said, I did my best to be consistent on what time I went out as it supported my family in honoring those times as well - they were adjusting to my workout routine too. Most definitely exercising totally supported me in not going nuts at times, plus once my bedtime rolled around - I zonked out easily and in a good mood. Score! Please share with your husband my sincere congrats on his decision to stop smoking, AND loosing 60lbs! That's AWE-mazing!!! Cheers!
  15. It is so contagious isn't it Frederica! <3 With you from far away, yet very near in heart! <3 CHEERs!
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