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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. You need to be very mindful about brushing your sore back out of your mind. It might be nothing but then again, it could be the beginning of serous trouble. I should know. I always listen to my back and like to take care of it the minute it starts bothering me...nip it in the bud...if it doesn't go away in a couple of days, if you have pain down your legs or in your pelvic area or if you can feel it in your bones go to the doc.
  2. That's what my running buddy, who has been running for several years says - if you can run 25 you can run 40... not so sure I am convinced yet...
  3. Still pretty amazing to be nearing the end of this app...
  4. @Ann and Azatol - there is no way I am going to spend $15 on a pair of socks at this point... if I was running for hours at I time I could see why I would do that but not for the half hour or maybe forty minutes I will be doing in the near future... Just the thought makes me dizzy.... The shoes are great for sure - and the socks just need to be the right thickness for now...but the good thing is that now, when I have a birthday, which anyone my age knows there are too many of, and if anyone asks me what I want - I'll just point them to the nearest running shop to buy me socks, bras, clothes, bottles, headbands, armbands and all sorts of goodies that I will never buy for myself... which is an improvement, because for years, there has really been nothing that I wanted other than books...
  5. Glad to hear you are over that bump and that you spent your time efficiently spending money
  6. Hey Sean, got my run in - how about you? This one was easier for some reason.
  7. W7D2 done. Easier than last time. Maybe it was the shoes... now I need to get me some sox that work. In my round and round route there is a relatively small hill which I was trying to do in tiny steps to see if it made it easier - which is did. Next run is on the road with the big, scary hill - I'll see if I do any better with that hill this week.
  8. That is a bit more encouraging as far as half way goes
  9. Good for you. I have been posting from my email and I can see now that that is akin to not posting. Neck to neck is good. I am all about accountability. If we were to compete, I am sure that you would beat me hands down.
  10. I posted earlier but its not here for some reason. . Anyway, good for u!33 minutes is fantastic. I would be on cloud 9 for a week with that ... happt thanksgiving
  11. Way to go Jeshi!!! You have finished the app!!! Very proud of you. You must be jumping for joy. How are you going to train now? Are you still going to log your runs here? As far as food goes - I was on 1200 k for a good few months and it was fine. I don't eat any meat, only fish occasionally, nor do I eat any eggs or anything with eggs in. I wasn't hungry, but now I am. I am ravenous all the time. I don't want to put on weight because I am running - that would be ridiculous. I don't log my food now, nor have I weight myself in about a month... don't want to deal with what I might see... but I have to get myself organized again otherwise I will just eat myself back into my old trousers again...
  12. Ruthie


    You go girl!!! I have no idea what a tough mudder is but I can sort of imagine it based on the name. c25k is fantastic and it will definitely put you on the right track. I also sit all day and feel much better now that I run as well.
  13. New pair of shoes, second time in under a week. I went back to the running shop and they let me return the shoes and pick another pair. This time, they fit me like a glove Saucony Guide 8. Don't have to do all sorts of acrobatics to tie the laces like I did with the other pair. Thanks girls for telling me to go back to the store. I would never have thought of it otherwise.
  14. When you say test run, do you mean your normal 9 mile? Or an easy twenty minute jog?
  15. W7D1 done. Ran in my old shoes because I am contemplating trying to return my new ones today. The difference between the two pairs is is obvious, and even if I can't return them, I am still better of in the new pair than in the old . I called the guy at the running store yesterday, and told him that I had run outside in them but that they were too wide for me, and he said to clean them the best I can and he'll see what he can do. The return policies here aren't as lenient they are in the States, so I am not holding my breath... I have to say that as thrilled as I am to be running, and to be able to run 25 minutes, (warm up and sort-of-cool-down included) all in all I ran 4.23 km and I can't see how that is going to turn into five with me on my feet - pre-collapse. I had to push through a couple of mental breaks, one of them was when she announced half way. I started wondering does halfway mean half the run or half the session? Is she including warm up and cooldown in that or just the run... that kept me busy for a while, doing all sorts of math in my head, which I supposed is one way to get through a mental wall. I never did work out though what half way exactly she was referring too. Doesn't really matter either. The last minute on the other hand was great, I sprinted it ("sprinted" more likely) and loved it. Then, just as the run finished a really great song came on - can't for the life of me remember which song that was, so instead of doing a cooldown walk, I found myself doing a cool down dance... kind of hoping no one saw me... after all, I do have a reputation to maintain...
  16. Hey Wendell! Good luck on your run today!!
  17. I'm done. W7D1 in the bag. Now it's your turn Sean
  18. Alright...i am running bright and early (if my back lets me...)...
  19. Jeshi - I know what you are saying about eating. I also seem to be all over the place and can't get a handle on it. Do you log your food? I am trying to get back to doing that - non-judgmentally - it helps to keep me on track... and also helps me see if I am stressed over nothing.
  20. @ha ha azatol. @Jeshi and Anne - I will call them today and see if I can, but I am pretty sure they won't take them back...
  21. I wonder if three likes in a row is like three strikes in a row?
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