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C25K: W3D3 - Three Weeks Already! It Goes So Fast!

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January 19, 2015 - W3D3
While I could not run yesterday, I tried, I did have an EXCELLENT workout.  I used the treadmill for the first time. I believe I will keep using the treadmill for a bit. Once I got going my heart rate remained between 156-159. According to Target Heart Rate I should be at 170 beats. :mellow:  That said, I was sweatin' bullets during and after I stepped off the treadmill, so I am going to go by what I experienced vs. worrying that my heart rate wasn't fast enough. Mind you, I am going to walk a little bit faster next time.  Additionally, I will begin walking on my off days (which will begin today Jan. 20th).
My knees - the bone below both kneecaps on inner knees - is still quite painful running on, and touching. I have yet to work on strength exercises, yet I am definitely going too, (thanks Azatol). That said, I contemplated redoing week three since I was unable to run d2 and d3, yet I decided against redoing.  I'm going to jump right into week four and walk as necessary and begin running as soon as I can. I find I am a bit worried about not being able to run the full 5K, and then Cendorly's words echo within, "So What!"  I'm still signing up and participating regardless AND I am not going to allow myself to dwell on step 10, before completing the step I am on currently - focus on today. I suspect or hope I'll be running it all, yet it's ok if I don't.  Suffice to say, simply participating is HUGE and my minutes and miles will add up eventually. I know this and I am staying with this.
January 17, 2015 - W3D2  
Part II
Yesterday, since I missed a run on the 15th, I could have easily run on my day off, yet I chose not too.  Had I run, I would have been running out of guilt from having missed a day. So I purposefully chose to pick up on Saturday. I do not wish to run out of guilt or feeling as if I didn't do enough or didn't do it the right way. I do not need to make up any day.  It is simply important for me to pick up where I left off.  
While running out of guilt may motivate some people, (it makes me feel better certainly) in the long run I have noticed that it plays into my 'not doing enough', 'not doing it right' (perfectionistic) modes and I end up self-sabotaging goals. So yesterday required a compassionate and firm reality check: 
  • I missed day two on the 15th -"It is one day Shannon!  Get over yourself.  Cheer up,and let it go!"  
  • I made a purposeful decision to honor my day off on the 16th and honored the fact that I do enough. 
  • My decision not to run is neither right nor wrong. (This was not justifying a missed day, it was embracing compassionate self-discernment vs. judgement).  

These were wins for me!

This morning I picked up where I left off two days ago - day 2 now completed!  On to day 3!   My knees have been tender. I thought it would pass. I've always been healthy ... no issues.  I've taken Glucosamine in the past and it helped with my minor joint pain which I started noticing in my early forties.  I ran today, yet could not keep running - it was quite painful - quick jolts of pain. I was disheartened and walked instead.  I've been alternating Aleve, Ibuprofen and Tyelenol since the 13th, and yesterday I received my Glucosamine and started taking it.  I'll keep using the Gluco and walk if I need too until my knees feel better.  I'll have it looked at only if I need too.  After reading all boards today, I think I'll take up walking on my off days - I feel the knee pain while walking, yet it is definitely doable. I will share honestly, my self-encouragement feels a little hollow to me. I did not like that I needed to walk today, and I feel a little heavyhearted and worried. I would welcome any encouragement or experience in regards to knees please. <3
I am so thankful for the motivation I found today while reading threads! AND I am thankful for perfect timing!  It started poring rain AFTER my run early this morning.  I love running in the rain; however, I do not have the right kind of running gear that would keep me dry .... yet! <3  
January 15, 2015 - W3D2
Part I
I totally spaced running. :huh:  It was quite late when I remembered, and so I decided not to run.  I experienced mixed emotions and focused on not beating myself up.  
January 13, 2015 - W3D1
Success!  Running three minutes was easier than I expected. I also felt faster, (got home quickly and in less time). Runner's Buddy said I ran more steps, and that I was way under two miles which confused me because I ran the same spot the day before and ran almost 2 miles. I thought, "Well shoot! What the heck!" LOL It caused me to doubt what I felt - lessening my good feelings for a wee tiny bit. I noticed my shift in mood, and stopped judging immediately. Runner's Buddy is only a tool. I'm proud of myself for trusting what I experienced vs. trusting my app. That said, it may have been right .... so what! I was thrilled after my run! There is something to be said for the blissfully unaware and motivated! LOL   ;)  It was a good run; a successful run! Day 1 down!  If I keep this up - I am pretty sure I'll be able to run the whole 5K!
My knees are bothersome - they started hurting last week.  So I purchased Glucosamine Chondroitin (MSM and Turmeric) tonight. Hoping this helps. I'm not sure if it is joints or something else. I believe joints.  
January 11, 2015 - W2D3
Suffice to say, it was an interesting day filled with wild ups and downs and then a feeling of oneness that noticeably uplifted all three of us. It was quite fascinating for me to be a participant, and as a mother, a witness to what took place within each of us. It was also a solid reminder of what happens when we draw together instead of split apart during times of stress.  A few hours later I hit the wall, I was drained physically and mentally.  I matter-of-factly told my kids, "I am not going to run this evening. I'll run tomorrow." (my famous self-sabotaging last words). My youngest (15) said, "Mom, when you don't run today, you may not run tomorrow. I hope you get out there"  I sat with his words and knew he was right.  My daughter (17) playfully said, "If you don't run tomorrow, I'm gonna kick your butt!"  She made me laugh, yet I remained thoughtfully (and mostly) resolute. They didn't harangue me, make me feel bad ... they simply and honestly shared their thoughts.  I am so thankful for their unconditional love and support.
This evening I jumped onto Zenlabs-a daily goal.  I read YOUR success, YOUR tips and encouragement and absolutely enjoyed how YOU celebrated not only YOUR victory, yet others! Thirty minutes later I knew I was going to run. YOUR energy shared supported me in changing my state of mind. Thank YOU!  
YOUR success, in part, equaled mine tonight.   
I had a very good workout (it was easier(!!) and still challenging).  Emotionally I feel centered and at ease ... much more than before the run - exercise is mentally and emotionally good for the brain! The last five minutes I listened to a song I have never heard. The lyrics captured my attention immediately. In fact, they were goose-bumpy-apt to what I am experiencing overall. I was easily able to find truths that resonated, which I am personalizing here: I've been such a mess, so caught up in who I am not ... yet I'm ready now - the walls are tumbling down. I have nothing left to hide. Don't want to let me down. Don't want to let my kids down. I'm going to make this count. Regardless of my (or one's) beliefs, I felt her song was applicable any time I have an aspiration to restore personal vitality.  If curious, you can listen here: Plumb - Lord I'm Ready Now
I am tickled to share that I started out at 172.6.  I weighed myself yesterday and was 168.2.  What a pleasant surprise, especially since I have not set nutrition or water goals yet.  I will, yet my main intention was one goal, and one goal only - run three days a week.  I have a tendency to spread myself thin in the midst of many goals. Albeit necessary/important goals, yet wayHAY too many goals. Not this time.  One goal, one step at a time.  The energy and success experienced, and confidence gained will fuel the desire to add further goals as is necessary. I know this from personal experience.
Really Cool:

Runner's Buddy

W1D1 - 1/1/15:  32 minutes, 1.68 total miles, 4043 total steps

W1D2 - 1/3/15:  32 minutes, 1.84 total miles, 4411 total steps

W2D3 - 1/11/15: 32 minutes, 1.92 total miles, 4597 total steps


Feeling: Thankful and supported unconditionally. <3

January 9, 2015 - W2D2
I am so sleepy this evening, yet I wanted to post my update. The first three runs were definitely easier, yet for the most part, today was nearly a repeat of my last run in that those last two runs were still challenging - loved this, and was very happy to begin walking too!  :P  I was a bit wishy-washy about going out as it was much later than I planned, yet I did.  I was so pleasantly surprised - I do not prefer running at night, I prefer very early mornings. That said, I loved it! Well lit main street. I felt safe.  I may do that again. I was cruisin' to 80's Work Out music using iHeartRadio - boy did that bring back memories! LOL  
January 7, 2015 - W2D1
And Another One Bites the Dust ...  'nuf said!  B) teehee
Last two run sessions I became nauseous - not a bad thing. I'm familiar with that feeling and know what it entails, (bouts of gagging) so instead of pushing too hard, I backed off somewhat. I kept up the pace with walking and my warm down.  Good workout! In spite of the nausea, it felt easier today than last run. Happy camper!


January 5, 2015 - W1D3

Today’s run felt physically challenging (good) and I felt great.  It was an especially meaningful walk/run knowing that I ditched a life-numbing excuse.  All morning, I pushed the run back.  I kept repeating, “I’ll do it …. later”.   After about the third or fourth, “I’ll do it later” I stopped and acknowledged what I was doing without judgment.  I let it go, and out the door I went.  I was waiting for my son to get home – a large part of me clinging to his support and presence in an unhealthy way (not fair to him or me) - family connection and conversation are powerful motivators for me. That shared, I loved having him along on the first two runs, yet my intentions are to be self-governing and to embrace and welcome support as it comes – not rely on it, or wait for it to be present before I get myself out the door.  Having another along is nice, yet not necessary. Week One Achieved!! Looking forward to Week 2 – I can tell my body is up for the 2 minute jog.  It sure goes fast, doesn’t it!


January 3, 2015 - W1D2

I successfully completed my run today AND even ran when prompted each time.  I was so happy!! My body felt energized!  Felt great to complete. 


In the beginning I was worried about my 'getup', and towards the end I noticed quite a bit of soreness in my hips and ankles. Self-judgement and self-absorption were present:

"Shannon, you run so heavy" [slumbering sloth came to mind]

"You don't have the right outfit, (right jog bra, right jacket etc) ... you look so silly wearing that heavy wool jacket"  [i had an 'everyone's looking at me' mentality dance going on.  This elicited an "Oh brother, get over yourself!"   Embarrassing to admit, yet true].

Once I noticed and realized what was happening, I did my best to switch gears/re-frame and reminded myself to be more self-discerning:

"After being sedentary for so long, this body is working out it's kinks. It's letting me know EXACTLY what areas need TLC. Overtime it will grow stronger. Hang in there!  Keep at it! Pay attention. Listen too and trust this body - it truly knows best."

"Reality check! Are you naked?  No. Are you in your PJ's?  No. Are you warm? Yes!!  What's the problem then? Carry on! You are the only who cares what you are wearing, and if someone else does care ... So What, and So Be It!! <Let It Go> :P  Let a new outfit be your reward vs. the lack of one an excuse to ditch a workout." [Yes I talk to myself a lot!] :D


I normally pay attention to weather - both my son and I do.  I believed it was a little below 35 degrees on Monday (W1D1). Come to find out, that was not so. Today it felt warmer and I said to my son, "My goodness!  I thought it was going to be a lot colder, yet it feels so warm in comparison to Monday's 35 degrees!"  My son responded, "Well, that's because it was 17 degrees out Mom. It's 22 degrees out today.  It is warmer today." It truly felt warm out! Pleasant even.  It struck a chord within for some reason - I'm still trying to figure out why exactly. Perhaps I work myself up (or down) more than I really need too? Self-Talk reality check: It's cold.  I'll get cold.  I'll warm up during and after. Dress appropriately and that's it. No biggy. Enjoy the chill, the sweat and satisfaction of getting out there! Thirty minutes goes by so quickly, especially when only listening to run/walk ques, and not looking at the time.


Really Cool:

Runner's Buddy

1/1/15:  32 minutes, 1.68 total miles, 4043 total steps

1/3/15:  32 minutes, 1.84 total miles, 4411 total steps


Feeling Thankful. <3


January 1, 2015 - W1D1

So very, very chilly to begin with! In fact, my face, along with the tips of my fingers and toes were so cold within five minutes. However, towards the end I was comfortably toasty-it felt great to begin and complete! I loved how I felt afterwards, and my youngest joined me which made it all the more enjoyable. I was not able to jog all parts, yet I kept up a good pace. I am loving the soreness I feel this evening which is telling me my muscles received a good workout. I am looking forward to day two!
Goals met today:
1. Download App

2. Visit Forum ... read, respond and register. (This was huge for me)!!

3. Exercise
4. Post progress
S U C C E S S !! 


January 1, 2015 - Before First Run

Introduced myself.

Registered and created a Profile

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Self judgement and doubt during your run are good signs. Think about when you're really really pooped and your tank is empty. Do you form thoughts or just vegitate wishing it would end? If your mind is able to wander and drum up your inner fears, then that tells me you're body is not at its limit. I call this a win!! Your adapting to the training. As your body changes and adapts further, your confidence will grow. You'll no longer get those negative feelings. You'll be too sidetracked thinking about what you'll conquer next.


Keep fighting!! I can see the passion in what you type.

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added w1d3 at the top of my original post in order to keep it all in one spot.  I'll change the subject title each run. I look forward to reading my progress, as well as keeping ALL thoughts shared - in one thread - for inspiration and tips now and later! :D


"Stay the course, don't think about what others think - think about how much you are doing for yourself."  Thank you Soculese!!

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Great job to get yourself out the door. Sometimes once you make that first "I'll do it later" it becomes late that night and you're kicking yourself for never doing it. Great job of motivation and hitting the streets! I always loved the feeling of finishing a week and the anticipation of how my body would hold up running that extra time during the next week.

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Hi! Shannon, my congratulations! Right music for right intentions :-)


As for nausea, I had that thing several times and that is why I don't like running (at least I didn't like it before that time) :-) Some belly excercises right before start helped me a bit to get rid of that nasty feeling...


I done W2D1 this morning and I agree with you - it was easier than previous runs. Perhaps, it is due to weather - it's much warmer out there


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HukMup, nice! Grats on W2D1!  We are neck and neck practically! :)  Btw, did you say you were thinking about a Saint Patty's day run?


Trish, your compliment I deeply appreciate, thank you so much!  Likewise, I love how you encourage folks as well :)


Added another workout up above!  W2D2!  Happy dance!!

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So true Azatol!  And today I woke up grateful and pleased that I followed through yesterday. :)   



Hey, I notice my hands tightly clench and my shoulders and neck have a tendency to stiffen up while running.  Does anyone else experience that?  I do not feel stressed, so I cannot figure out why I am doing that.   ???

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Shannon, I can only admire your force of will! It should be really tough to be a good mother and to find a time forr yourself... And going after a hard day on a workout is always a victory!


As for St.Patty run - sounds nice, sadly, here in Moscow we have no running on that day (at least, it is not well-known) :-(


I have finished w2d2 and w2d3 as well. It was tough to go out at 6am, but I liked workouts, my feeling afterwards and the look of the city that is waking up. At least, today I reassured myself that all the people were looking at me - LOL, I found that they were just passing by on their way to work :-)


As for arms - I do not feel nothing wrong with them, but I really have neck and shoulder stiffnes that passes half an hour after the run. Thanks for your advice, Azatol, I used to push my hands across the chest, maybe that is the cause...

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HukMup,  definitely rewarding to get out there after a trying day, (I almost didn't!).  The benefits equal my mental/emotional state replenished, restored, invigorated afterwards!! YES!  


In regards to being a mother, thank you for acknowledging the busyness of each mother/parent. :) I remember when I was a new mama (21 years ago).. .I told myself that I would never use my children as an excuse for me not caring for my body, and I have not. True and perhaps justified as they take a lot of time and focus, yet they don't keep me from working out, as there are so many different ways I can workout. I only I keep me from working out. <3


Oh Hukmup, I love the early mornings too ... everything so fresh, (scents and sounds) ... all awaking! Oddly, I have not run super early yet! I will though! Congrats on your early run!!!


If I understood you correctly, you made me laugh in regards to folks are not looking at me, they are ONLY going to work.  Here here!  *hugs* LOL   It feels good to free ourselves from our assumptions of what other's might be thinking! I'm practicing this as well!


Azatol, you know ... I bet that's it. I didn't occur to me that I was responding to a challenging workout. I kept trying to figure out what I was stressed over. LOL derp!  I am not even aware that I am tensing UNTIL the app says to walk and then I notice and unclench my hands, and work on relaxing my shoulders. It happens each time.  Ok. Today I am more aware.  Just need to be more purposeful about hangin' loose.  My intentions are to relax later on today.  Thanks!

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I just found this:  

Running Will Not Ruin Your Healthy Knees:There's a strong myth that running can ruin your knees, says Reynolds, but that's not actually true if your knees start out injury-free. "The science actually shows that if you have a healthy knee to start with, running tends to increase the amount of cartilage that you produce," she says. "Running prompts the cartilage cells, which are the shock absorbers in your knees, to divide and produce more cartilage. So in theory, running is actually healthy for your knees."


Yes, I'm using Google for information.  No it is NOT my doctor. No I do not blindly believe everything I read. I do find it helpful and I enjoy the food for thought it provides.  That said ...


I didn't realize that running builds cartilage.  Which means that walking will be very good for me on my off days.  For those who have been at this longer ... am I understanding the above quote correctly?  I do not think my knees are unhealthy, they are just out of shape, so perhaps that is why I am experiencing pain. 

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Great update Shannon. Your mental game is really in good shape. As for your knee pain i think we can help it but it's going to be tough. This is based on pure strength training knowledge and I'd love to hear what our trained fitness folks here think on this but here goes....


When I started lifting my knees hurt. It felt like the bones were the pain not the muscles. What I learned was I have no developed leg muscles so the knee joint itself is taking all of the stress. When you have muscles they stay partially tensioned and act as shock absorbers for the knee. Add leg strengh and decrease knee stress(This is all assuming you don't have a legitimate knee issue. I'm not a licensed medical professional). I beleive this is your path to less pain but it's going to be tricky....


Step one. If you have pain and are taking meds, stop running and let it heal. it will not ever heal if you keep running before it's healed. It sucks, but you'll feel better in the end. Next, I think you should drop back to 2 runs per week and on the third workout day, do strength training instead (Unless of course you already strength train). The top exercise for your legs in my opinion is negative split squats. They will burn your hamstrings but you can support yourself as much as needed on the chair so you won't have any knee pain. These will really help your leg strength. I'd also reccomend you do some bodyweight squats, push ups, and definitely planks(A strong core is good for running). Below is a link to a post I made for someone else on Negative Split Squats. Make sure and read what I wrote after the video. After you get some practice and used to the exercises and get some more leg strrength, you'll be able to run and then workout on the same days and be back to 3x/week.


I wont be the slightest bit offended if you completely ignore these suggestions but I guarantee you life will get easier because of them. EVERYTHING is easier when you're stronger. Lengthening your completion time on C25K sucks but I think it will go better for you if you do it. Protecting your knees is win!



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