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Everything posted by TheRoseWithin~Shannon

  1. Twin71 ... love your will power and determination to begin again after a setback! WayHAYtoGo! You will accomplish with that mindset! Thanks for my first get-up-go motivational read this morning!! <3 Cheers!
  2. I get it now! Whew! Now I realize what you were talking about in regards to posting 'everwhere' LoL That's what I get for trying to post from a tiny device! Sorry about the double posts! And I concur...that would be annoying. To bad we cannot delete our posted booboo's! That shared...what a pleasure to read both of your responses! Awesome-suaciness!
  3. What an AWESOME response KellyAnn, thank you! Awesome quote from Dr. Phil ... I concur! Likewise, I'm looking forward to hearing how you progress as well. These boards (presonal stories are motivational! Thank you!
  4. Hi Kelly! Thank you for the warmest of welcomes and encouragement! In regards to repeating myself...do you mean the accidental double posts, encouraging multiple members or something else? I've read the 'Start Here' forums, (and others) and have been wonderfully inspired. For clarification, please let me know. I do not wish to do anything silly or annoying!
  5. Wow! Inspiring! C o N g R a t U l A t I o N s Graeme!!!!
  6. Wow congrats Azatol! Your progress is inspiring... I look forward to sharing similar successes! And welcome back to the forum, (I would have been crushed too. Happy to hear it was a mistake)! I look forward to reading further updates, and cheering you on!
  7. So very, very chilly to begin with! In fact, my face, along with the tips of my fingers and toes were so cold within five minutes. However, towards the end I was comfortably toasty-it felt great to begin and complete! I loved how I felt afterwards, and my youngest joined me which made it all the more enjoyable. I was not able to jog all parts, yet I kept up a good pace. I am loving the soreness I feel this evening which is telling me my muscles received a good workout. I am looking forward to day two! Goals met today: 1. Download App 2. Visit Forum ... read, respond and register. (This was huge for me)!! 3. Exercise 4. Post progress S U C C E S S !!
  8. Right on Casagarber! One of my goals is to also run Run or Dye (Color in Motion) with my kids later this year! They had so much fun last year! Congrats on passing your CPA!
  9. "The worst run ever is no run at all" ~Anonymous

  10. I have the C25k app, yet cannot figure out how to add ID's? I would love to add folks for support and to cheer you on! (Introduced myself today as Shannon and now a new registered Zenlab member. Loving this and I haven't even completed my run today ... yet I will!
  11. Awesome-sauciness!! We both chose to start on the same day with the same goal ... to run a Saint Patty's day run! LOL Excited for you! Cheers! ps. I introduced myself earlier (Shannon) and just now registered for the forums. Love it so far! The energy and stories shared are contagious! Wishing you continued success!
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