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  1. MadreKNLadybugT


    Our goal is to complete this program and run a 5K without walking. We need to get in shape and stop hating how we look and feel.
    1 point
  2. Winningone

    1st time runner

    Hi. I decided to try the forum. I am excited to become a runner. I am currently at w5d2. I am so much slower than I was in week 4. I must really run at a granny pace. I have been taking my time, as that is what I read I should do, but I think I can speed walk faster. I can use advice. I have a 5k booked (my 1st) on 9/21
    1 point
  3. Two middle age best friends who are out of shape and needing a purpose are giving this a shot. Wish us luck!
    1 point
  4. Crabapple

    1st time runner

    If you can do week 5, you are doing awesome!
    1 point
  5. Thankful for the insight here. I started week 5 this week and day 3 is scary. Taking your advice and doing what I can. I was thinking there would have been a 12 or 15 minute run in there somewhere. I’m not giving up though!
    1 point
  6. Winningone

    Can I do this?

    That is where I was when I started... And I slowed my pace down to where I could talk. It was no time at all until I was doing a couple minutes. You will, too. I'm currently in week 5.
    1 point
  7. Just me


    I have been following the obesity code for 6 months and have lost 43 lb so far... wanted to increase exercise to ramp up losing because I have hit a bit of a plateau. I also want to start running again but after starting too quickly had an injury that delayed me... this time I will start a bit slower. I used to consistently run 35 miles per week and though it was many years ago, want to get back there.
    1 point
  8. RTallman

    C25K Take #2

    Hey everyone, I never really knew that these forms were here. My story begins 3 years or so ago when my daughter decided that she wanted to do a 5k for her birthday. i agreed and we started the c25k program about 3.5 months before the race. We did it everyday to fit the program to our needed schedule. I ended up losing close to 90 lbs in three months ( also eating chicken and rice). We ran the 5k and loved it. We ended up running five 5ks total in 2 years. then we kinda stopped when i moved back home. We have not ran since. I've gained all 90+ back and do not like this feeling, so we are starting it back up for take 2. Can't wait to see where it takes us this time..
    1 point
  9. Cathywb


    Thanks! I think that’s my plan!
    1 point
  10. Good for you, PaulaClara. (thumbs_up) I'm planning to leave my four-week loop on April twenty-second. Up until now that third day of week 5, while not exactly terrifying, was definitely scary. At this point though, since my breakthrough this week, it isn't as scary, though I'm not so sure I would be able to run for a full 20 minutes. But my mindset is such that I'll give it my best shot and maybe I can do it.
    1 point
  11. You are moving and that is what matters!!! Way to go !
    1 point
  12. Socialrun

    5k in 2 months

    Yes it is ... I am now at week 9 ... Never imagined I could do this, but I ran 5k last week
    1 point
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