Hi There I think we all feel the frustration when we think we are working our butts off and the frazzle mazzle weight does not fall off like it should or how it did when we were younger.
My clothes are way looser and I REFUSE to weigh myself. One thing you have to think about is what you eat. If you are doing all the right things, then you should lose weight. I have to change things up for myself as i get mad at myself. Time to change it up get serious.
Do not be hard on yourself. You can do it. Download MyFitnessPal so you can keep track of all that you eat. Sometimes when I add up my calories for the day, I forget the creamer in my coffee, that tbsp of butter I sauteed with, etc.... So think of that too. BUT you have to enjoy life and not let it get you down. You are lapping all the couch potatoes, so you are AWESOME!
Happy Running!