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Everything posted by KellyAnn

  1. Hi Leika, Welcome here. Happy for you. The apps are great to motivate us. There is a Legs app, Abs app, push up app, etc. that can help too. I do the app 3x a week and cross train the other days. Just so my body does not get used to the same oh same oh. Good luck and happy running to you. Keep us posted.
  2. Nice comment Domino, very encouraging. Thanks you. Kate, you can do anything you set your mind to. You got this. We are all here to help you on here and encourage each other. I love the motivation. Repeat days if you have to. Keep us posted. Good luck.
  3. Hi Momintofitness, Wow, I have never heard of what you and bless you. That is something to go through everyday. Good for you for wanting to get your heart rate and run. Be careful out there. I will definitely look it up and see about it. Good luck to you and keep us posted on here. Hugs.
  4. Hi Kim, Welcome here. Awe, what an awesome daughter you have. She sounds like she will be your biggest motivator. Tell her I said way to go. You both can do this. Super cool. Keep us posted on here. There is an Accountability Topic under General Chat where you can post there. Good luck and Happy Running you two.
  5. Welcome Alexandria, Congrats on your upcoming wedding. Nice. Do you play soccer??? That would be fun. Happy running to you and your dog. Keep us posted.
  6. Hi Brandy. Welcome on here and good luck. You can do it. Congrats in losing weight, you are on your way. Everyone is here for you. Happy running.
  7. Hi this chick. Well Welcome on here. Great introduction. Sorry about what you have had to deal with. That is tough. Welcome back to working out. Start slow and you can do it. Any help you need just ask on here. Everyone is here to help you. Yes you can do this in a treadmill or elliptical. Running outside is way different than running inside just so you know. Eat healthy and workout. You go this. Hugs and happy running.
  8. KellyAnn

    Hip pain

    Hi Ladies, You are doing great. Way to go! There are lots of sites you can check out for hip and knee pain.. If it is too painful, see a DR. Is it your hips that hurt or is it your joints? http://www.athletico.com/2012/04/04/hip-flexor-tightness-in-distance-runners/
  9. KellyAnn

    Feels So Good!

    Woohoo Caila, You are doing great. Hey, Under the General Chat Topis, I started a Topic called Accountability. You can post your workouts there and Cheer everyone else on there too. Proud of you and Good Luck!
  10. Hi THere, WHen I am feeling awesome and full of energy, I will do my video and then run after or later in the day. Make sure you rest when your body tells you to , so you do not burn out or get too tired. There are days when I can only do one workout What is the 30 Day Shred program? I am starting the 21 Day fix on Monday! Happy Running! You are doing great!
  11. Hi CeCe, Welcome here. Proud of you for doing it. WOOHOO, Week 3, Day 1. That is awesome. Be proud of yourself. We are all here for you. You got this! Happy Running!
  12. Hi There, Awe, do not be hard on yourself at all. The track might be cushioned too and different than outside. I am not sure. You will have to check. Some days our legs do not want to run at all, I have had those days. Pick yourself up, dust off and try again. Week 5 doesn't seem like a long time and I am super proud of you for doing it. You finished and that is what matters the most. Treadmill running is way different, you will have to check about the track you run on and see what it is made of. I was humiliated when i went to run the Las Vegas Marathon 2 days before my 40th Birthday. Man, I was in excellent shape, worked out all the time, I was small, and one lady who I running with was a big lady and the other one was an avid runner. I am like, Hey, I got this in the bag. I will beat her hands down, after all I was 30lbs lighter than her and she is not a runner. Well, wth??? I ran 5ks', 10k's half and this was my first marathon... PHHHTTT, I hurt like no other, a 80 year old woman ran past me, and asked me if I wanted Ibuprofen??? I was so embarrassed.. She was 40 years older than me, I just knew it. I finished in 5 hours, 30 minutes and the heavier lady beat me by an hour. Sheesh, it sucked for me. I never have figured out why I could not go faster. Must be my short legs. Well, I will never do another Marathon ever. BUt I will stick to a 5k, 10k, and so on. You go this. Do not be mad at yourself. You did it and you finished. Keep doing what you are doing. I am with you on losing weight and I am over 50... It is tougher but we can do it... Keep up the good work and Happy Running!! CHEERS!
  13. I Love Love Chris and Heidi Powell. Here is an article I really like. http://heidipowell.net/5366/all-about-calories/
  14. Hi Pam and Moni, Yes it is 3 days a week. I repeat a day when I'm on the mood for another run. Other days I lift weights and do other workouts. Cross train. Hope this helps. Happy Running!
  15. Hi Pam and Moni, Yes it is 3 days a week. I repeat a day when I'm on the mood for another run. Other days I lift weights and do other workouts. Cross train. Hope this helps. Happy Running!
  16. Hi Laura. Welcome. Good for you for starting. Repeat days if you want. You are doing great. Happy Running.
  17. KellyAnn

    New and itchy

    You are so welcome. Thrilled you had an awesome day. Keep us posted. Happy Running.
  18. KellyAnn

    Text Messages

    Really? I've never seen that. If you don't want it to post to FB then when you are done working out, make sure nine if the social media sites are selected when you save your workout. Let me know if this is what you are talking about??? Thanks!
  19. That's great JayBar. You can do it. Proud of you. See Ya here! Happy Running.
  20. That's great JayBar. You can do it. Proud of you. See Ya here! Happy Running.
  21. Awesome Rachel, You can do it! We are all here for you! Are you starting with the C25k app? Keep us posted and Good luck!
  22. Hi JayBar, Welcome here. Congrats btw on Losing weight and wanting to do more. So proud of you. Great accomplishment. Just start where you want to. If today is Day 1, then Sunday and Tuesday, go for it. Because I, myself even have days where my body says no, so you get your weeks back in order. Make sure you check with your Dr., as you don't want a setback at all. I hate injuries, such a slow down.... It is amazing how much better our bodies feel when the weight comes off. Anyways, good luck to you and keep us posted. Love hearing from everyone on their journeys.. Happy Running!
  23. Thanks everyone for the great ideas. Especially for the bigger person shoes too. That's awesome. Love the support we all have for each other. DaVakin, I cant what to try that shoe the next time I need a new pair. I've been such an Asics, Nike, New Balance for years. Excited for something new. A New Start;, def running shoes or cross trainers that are good for any workout. I do wear different shoes for exercise class and running.
  24. Hi there Miranda. Good for you for still going outdoors. I'm in Utah this week and the for a few days it was soooo cold out. Really cold. 37 degrees. I usually layer. I had on my running pants, bra top, tshirt and sweat jacket. I wore it the whole time. But if I got hot, I'd wrap the sweat jacket around my waist. In Nevada, where I live , I can leave my jacket hanging on a fence and get it on the way back. Here I cant. Anything over 45 degrees I'm usually ok without a jacket on. I'm usually stuck indoors in the winter as our dirt road gets too muddy. Keep me posted Happy running.
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