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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Ok this is my own running tip from my own personal limited experience and novice physical fitness knowledge. If you lend any credability to me, you're gambling. <G> I found at the start that I was struggling. I'd look at my fitbit ( its a watch too ) and check the time constantly. OMG OMG OMG just 2 more minutes and I can walk again. My body knew it was about to get a rest and it fought me hard to convince me it was out of gas. It's not!! Your body will sabotage you every single time it can. You're brain is lazy. You must fool it!!! Stop looking at the time. Run until you're told to walk. Your body doesn't know when it's going to rest and can't poop you out in advance. Just a nice comfortable pace and get lost in the music. It really really works for me. I think you should try it and tell me your fidnings. Keep your body guessing.
    1 point
  2. Rob129


    Good job, repeating a day isn't a bad thing at all. I run at 70% for 3 of the 4 runs I do per week. I believe it has really helped out on the longer, faster days. My pace has become more consistent and of my choosing. For my weekend run my last Km was faster than the middle ones. Getting in shape takes time and you can do it. Everyone here is in your corner.
    1 point
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