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Week 1 done


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im in the same boat soon it will be not good to run outdoors and no way can i do gym membership and this appartment is too small for treadmill. I will go back to walking in cicles through the hall and rooms and jogging up and down the stairs but maybe it wont be as hard as last winter cause ive been running now i also hula hoop in the winter and strenght train with a few old weights and a chair and the internet and my own body. And i will dream of starting over in the spring. Good luck Steph83 where there is a will there is a way u will find some way to stay fit in bad weather and triumph in the spring and summer.

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Thanks Anne. I live in the south so we don't get alot of snow and I guess compared to those up north it doesn't get that cold. We can get down to the teens or even 0 below but we rarely get to the negative numbers. Regardless, I don't like to run in the cold, it makes my fingers numb, my nose run, and my lungs burn. But like you said if there is a will then there is a way. Good luck to ya :)

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