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Week 5 - ok nerves hitting


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sooooooo ........ Finished week 5 day 1 (has 3x5 min blocks) and was quietly nervous about the 8 minute blocks on day 2. Then someone mentioned a 20 min run - looked ahead to week 5 day 3 - sure enough a huge jump to 20 min run. Ok so now seriously shitting myself ....... Feels impossible given week 1 I struggled with any jogging at all! Wish me luck for rest of week 5

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You cant think of it like that honey! As soon as your mind says its impossible youre body will say it too. Just give it a try :) its not a test its just a way to measure how far youve come. If you cant do it the first time than try again. Dont give up before you even start.

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I easily breezed right through w5d2 I was so thrilled I tried d3 the next day it was a stupid move sometimes I do days consecutive but shouldn't have thought I could do the 20 min I mad it to 8mins and had an overwhelming feeling of failure I'm scared to try again taking today as a rest day and will try again tomarrow so happy to hear all you that have made it

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