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Reluctant runner/walker/jogger


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Hi just some background I have never run more then 400m at a time in my life. So the goal of running 5km looks impossible at the moment.


Being the lazy mutt that I am I have really put on the pounds and kept deceiving myself that I am still fit until I realise that I wasn't couldn't even walk more then 3kms. I bought a pedometer in 2011 and started walking at least 10 000 steps a day well I did until 2013~2014.


Now its 2015 I have started my routine again of walking at least 10 000 steps a day and incorporating the C25k programme into my routine every alternative day. I am doing the week 1 for the second time tomorrow (15/01/2015) I start on w1d3. 


Something I found funny is that my pace when running/panting vs walking is about the same 13.18 vs 13.51.Hope it gets better I will posting on here after each "run".

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Hi Gnik1,


First Welcome on here.   A lot of us here in the same boat as you.    Proud of u for beginning this!   You can do it.  


Funny about your running/walking pace, you do walk fast though I can say.


I love the pedometers that gives us our daily steps, it keeps you motivated.  If I am under that, then I move more.  ha ha!


Anyways, keep us posted on here, you will do great.  Everyone is Cheering you on here!  Good Luck!

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Congrats on restarting your routine for 2015 (hehe that rhymes). Dont worry about your pace, the fact that your running at all is great :) the speed will come later. Just keep at it alright! Youre off to a good start

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Had a DUH moment this morning 

Started out at 3:48 am Warm up walk not a problem

start first run, been running awhile surely  my walk break should start now, I've past my normal land mark (thinks maybe I started the app late?)


App measuring my pace tells me 1km in 10.30 secs (must slow down!!)

Past second landmark still running something wrong here (remembers Azatol's running tip keep your hands off the phone) curse you Azatol. 


Final run did I miss the alert to walk? past my landmark where I normally end my run ,will run to the next bench , past said bench, start walking, probably 20 sec later alert to begin my cool down check my phone. Meant to do w1d3 today ended up doing w2d1 ( stop  playing with my phone !!).


Pretty happy with the result though ave speed 4.3Kph max speed 8.3 Kph

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Just completed w2d2 this morning. My pace is still too high when I start need to slow down. Although I was feeling the strain I didn't mind it. I got confused with the alerts again as soon as I heard the alarm I started to run only to hear that I needed to begin my cool down session, I am feeling good that I completed this session. Guess there's hope for me.

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Hey Hey,   Look at you go, you are doing great.  I have done that too, kept running when it told me to cool down.  Now that's enthusiasm.   I wish my pace would be fast, I used to do a 9 minute mile, now I do a 13 one.  Sheesh. Oh well, i am moving.


COngrats to you, you are doing it!!!1

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Thanks for all the words of encouragement. Just completed w2d3 today and to be honest after the first 90 seconds of jogging I really thought I was out of my depth. In the past I would have just given up. Once I heard the halfway prompt I think I got into the stride/pace since it seemed easier to continue. I guess the 'trick' is to find the correct pace to start with and keep at it until it improves. 


I am unable to multi task ie..  is my stride correct, does my foot strike right , am I breathing correctly all those thoughts. Once I stop thinking about them, I started to enjoy my run. The only thing I was thinking of as I was running is my breathing once I master that I can start on the other aspects.


Hope to start w3d1 soon order new runners this weekend can't wait to try them out. Again thanks to the community for the encouragement to stick with this programme.

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Thanks for all the words of encouragement. Just completed w2d3 today and to be honest after the first 90 seconds of jogging I really thought I was out of my depth. In the past I would have just given up. Once I heard the halfway prompt I think I got into the stride/pace since it seemed easier to continue. I guess the 'trick' is to find the correct pace to start with and keep at it until it improves. 


I am unable to multi task ie..  is my stride correct, does my foot strike right , am I breathing correctly all those thoughts. Once I stop thinking about them, I started to enjoy my run. The only thing I was thinking of as I was running is my breathing once I master that I can start on the other aspects.


Hope to start w3d1 soon order new runners this weekend can't wait to try them out. Again thanks to the community for the encouragement to stick with this programme.


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I can't stand the sound of my breathing. I start thinking you're breathing too fast and I try to slow it and then I feel breathless and start wheezing!!

So I started running with the music up loud. I only concentrate on the song and my breathing just happens relaxed and rhythmical.

Other runners on the track probably think a horse is coming or maybe an elephant but at least I'm distracted!!

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I always had to tell myself that everyone on the track or other treadmills (whenever i had to run inside) were just as concentrated on themselves so they didnt notice me puffing by like a steam locomotive (looking like one too). I dont know if that was true but it helped me ignore how self conscious I felt.

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Okay new shoes, new aches and new excuses but w3d2 done, not out of breath but  calf muscles aching. I keep telling myself how much I am enjoying this  eventually I may actually believe it. I honestly do enjoy it especially when I hear your workout is complete. Hopefully w3d3 will be better.

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