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Tom Riddle

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Everything posted by Tom Riddle

  1. Didn't Understood your point.. But I have an opinion regarding Muscle Workout: When you train your lower body, you primarily follow three types of movements which are squats, lunges, and hip hinges. These movements can effectively train all the muscles of your leg using the best shorts. In addition, you will also engage the muscles of your core and lower back. Through squats and lunges, you can hit your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. To engage your hip hinge, you can perform a dumbbell deadlift. You can easily increase or decrease the intensity of your workout by using heavier or lighter dumbbells.
  2. Focusing on the lower chest workouts in the initial days of bodybuilding is not important. Because you won’t know its importance in the beginning. But, as you start developing some chest definition, you will realize the importance of lower chest exercises for a chiseled chest. Training your lower chest is the next step after you feel that your chest muscles are strengthened and now it’s time to give a defined shape to your pecs. Other than the aesthetics, overall chest development is important to perform your daily life activities with efficiency. The lateral, vertical, and rotational movements of your shoulders work in collaboration with your chest muscles.
  3. Push-ups and pull-ups are two effective exercises for building upper body strength. You can perform these exercises to burn fat and gain muscles. While doing push-ups you engage your chest muscles, triceps, shoulders, and upper back. Similarly, when doing pull-ups, you lift your body by using force from the rear dells, biceps, forearm, mid-back, and core. In this way, by doing push-ups and pull-ups you effectively engage all the big and small muscles in the upper body. There are a lot of variations to add to your push-ups and pull-ups but as a beginner, you should just focus on simple moves. You can either do as many as possible push-ups for 60 sec, rest for 30 sec, and then pull-ups for 60 sec Or you can do 15-20 reps for each exercise with 30-sec rest between the sets.
  4. Workout can have important benefits for people with HIV, in addition to all those listed above. Many people with HIV have increased levels of blood sugars and fats, such as cholesterol, which can increase the risk of some serious long-term health problems.
  5. You might hear every day that diet is very important for athletes and you must eat healthily. But unless you are a fitness enthusiast, you probably don’t focus on your overall nutrition.
  6. Hey Kiki, That was the best video I've ever seen. I always read Blogs about this workout but now I've found the best training video.
  7. 1. The Endurance Building Workout 2. The RPE Run for Beginners 3. Descending Ladder Treadmill Interval Workout 4. Pyramid Treadmill Interval Workout 5. Race Pace Treadmill Interval Workout 6. Alternating Float Treadmill Interval Workout
  8. That's the point.. I read the Blogs about diet and fitness... The same scenario was explained there about practice at Home!!
  9. Great!! Also Read this Blog.. It would be better for your Practice..!!!
  10. I think The Form is Fitness related.. We should not discuss any software thing here.. :/
  11. Yup! That would be easy!! Just need little practice and concentration!! Also read some Blogs about your Training. I hope you would have a great grip on Your Exercise!!
  12. I Think Workout Shirts are also very important side by side..!!!
  13. This Link got nothing to do with Core Strength and Training!!
  14. So Terrifying..!! Don't post these types of threads it's so horrifying..!!!
  15. Hey Vicky Don't worry!! It's okay.. Just visit your Doctor and ask him for some advice. The best I can do for you right now is Refer you these BLOGS.. Read these Blogs and Try the Training and workouts recommended!!
  16. I think you should focus more on your fitness/Training.!! Also read some Blogs That would help you gain more interest and love for your health..!!!
  17. Got a workout Top and BJJ Bag!! Someone ever tried these?
  18. I don't understand how these links are even related to Yoga
  19. What would be the best stuff for the Boxing: RashGuard General T-shirt?
  20. What was the reason of using this link in the topic workout??
  21. What is the most Dangerous food in the period of pregnancy..??
  22. What should be the best ingredient to use during weight loss process??
  23. I opened the links you've just provide in the post of weight loss. But unfortunately there's nothing about weight loss or yoga in these links..
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