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    Photoyogi24 reacted to Anne Lang in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    dont forget the things for shoes so u dont slip
  2. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Azatol in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    Thank you everybody for your words of support and encouragement.
    I slacked off a bit towards the end of last week and the weekend.  I'm using my birthday as an excuse, I had my party on Saturday even though the big day wasn't until today.  I felt super guilty yesterday, I did spend the weekend eating incredibly good food and cake and felt like I needed to get back into the game.  I was a little apprehensive since it had been 4 days since the last run, but I did it!
    Although I'm not improving much on time, I do find that I am less breathless at the end.  Overall I think that's a good improvement sign and on the next run I'll be pushing a little harder.  Up until Monday I was afraid of trying to improve pace, I was satisfied with just being able to complete the run.  Now I think I'll hang at the 5-5.4k distance and try to improve the pace.  Still trying to work out the new route with traffic lights.  I may start pausing the app when I have to stop for an app, it's only fair since right now it continues to tick away while I'm bouncing around on the street corner and not gaining any distance.
    In more exciting news, Ottawa saw it's first snow of the year last night.  I woke up this morning to the sound of snow plows, but I wrote it off as construction noise and just continued getting ready for work.  When I finally checked out the window I was surprised to find a substantial enough coating of snow.  So far it hasn't melted away yet, this could be the beginning of snow season.
    So, now I'll be researching proper running safety and gear for the snow. I still need to get my hands on some warmer pants.
  3. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Wendell in New here!   
    I agree with Wendell, I wasn't a big runner before I started on this program.
    I mean, I used to like trying out running, but never seriously stuck with it.  Because I wasn't on a program I found it easy to quit when I would push myself as hard as possible and then wonder why I wasn't improving any.
    I think this program is structured very well, and I also like that it doesn't remind you of how far you've run.  In the beginning, the most important thing to focus on is building endurance but before I knew that I found myself focusing on distances and being disappointed when I couldn't run X distance in X amont of time.
    Keep us posted on how you are doing!
  4. Like
    Photoyogi24 reacted to concretefingers in Fat middle aged Brit with a Gammy leg and his journey through C25k   
    Hi back again. i took a weekend  break for my birthday and haven't run for 3 months!!!!i  On the up side I am 26 lbs lighter than when i started. and have just completed week one again. This time im running with my neighbour so I have to do it!!!
  5. Like
    Photoyogi24 reacted to concretefingers in Fat middle aged Brit with a Gammy leg and his journey through C25k   
    Hello everybody my name is Peter I started C25k five weeks ago after going for health checkup and being told my blood pressure was high and I was 6 1/2 stone overweight.
    My gammy leg is from cerebral palsy with makes me uncoordinated and weaker on my right side. I avoided sports at school I was hopeless at everything and got teased relentlessly so just avoided it.
    I'm 47 1/2 years old. My blood pressure was 170/120
    Week one, sixty seconds of running? Day 1 couldn't do it. Day two and day 3 could just do it with occasional few seconds of walking.
    Week two, 90 seconds of running. Yes I could.
    Week three, 3 whole minutes of running no way I will be able to do that. Well yes I could if I ran very very slowly. I'm thinking if I'm moving I'm improving.
    Week four, day one today. No way no way no way will I manage 5 mins of running with only short breaks. I put it off for a couple of hours and went out feeling I was about to fail... Well I did it very very very slowly but I definitely kept moving and didn't walk any of the runs.so I'm pleased. Looking forward to the rest of the runs this week.
    I'm posting here to keep a diary for myself and also to encourage others. If I can , you can.
  6. Like
    Photoyogi24 reacted to Azatol in Finished!!!!!   
    Wanda, that's PERFECT. The Couch to 5K program is actually not the best named. It's really a teach you 30 minutes of endurance program but that was a much less catchy name. Once you've established that running base, shoring up the numbers really isn't all that hard. Over the next couple of weeks you'll find yourself naturally running that a little bit quicker, and by adding on a few minutes every week, you'll be to 5k in no time. All because you've crossed the magic threshold of running half an hour.... YOU WIN!
  7. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from djplong in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    So, last week I finally made 5k, and it was such an amazing feeling!
    To share my story, I started running seriously in May 2015.  Prior to this I had sort of dabbled in it, but I had never taken it seriously.  I never had a schedule, never kept proper track of things, found plenty of excuses to not do it.  To be honest, I didn't really have any idea of how to properly train myself.  I would aim to just run quickly, if I wasn't running I didn't feel like I was working, so I never interval trained.  Because of that, when I couldn't hit the unrealistic goals that I set for myself, I found myself quitting.
    In March 2015 I moved to a more central location with great access to public trails.  It also helps that I live in a very outdoor-oriented city, there are cyclists and runners everywhere!  All of this got me inspired to start running, and I also wanted to get in better shape for a big vacation in Europe because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk all day if I wasn't used to being on my feet more.
    So in May 2015, I began running and practicing yoga.  I soon found that I actually loved both of them, and I trained steadily for a few weeks until vacation.  And then I was gone for three weeks.  It wasn't so bad, I got back into running, but then it got humid and I found it unbearable to train outside.  I kept with it on day when the temperature wasn't at dangerous levels for strenuous activities, but all in all I found that I was able to train less.  Eventually I realized that I wasn't improving and I still couldn't run 5k, so I took a break from running.
    A couple of weeks ago I realized that I wasn't really happy.  I was too stationary, it seemed like all I did was sit at home.  So I decided to start running again, even though winter is just around the corner.  When I was in university I had to take the bus to class, and I always remember this one girl who would jog past me while I waited.  Every single day I saw her, it was clockwork, even in the winter.  So that's why I decided to get back into running, because even though it's cold, people can run in the winter, and it was amazing to watch how this girl improved and changed.
    To kick things off, I found a free evening running club.  Even though they are almost done for the season, I thought it would be a good way to get started.  I will admit that it was a little intimidating at first, especially when the leader asked if I could run 6k on non-flat terrain.  Figuring that lying would only hurt in the end, as embarrassed as I was, I admitted that I couldn't yet do 5k.  The club graciously worked to accommodate me, switching their planned route to something easier, and because it was my first time the leader started the run along my side.  With tips and encouragement to start, and then eventually being left to my own devices to run at my own physical pace, I managed to get through a very painful 4k.
    Even though it was painful, my one leg had decided to be a quitter and I had an awful stich in my side, it was so rewarding to finish and know that I had tried my best.  As we walked back to our meeting place to gather our things, the other members each came up to congratulate me and tell me a bit about their running stories.  One was a well seasoned runner who enjoyed snowshoe running in the winter (yes, running in snowshoes!), another had just run her first 5k race earlier in the fall and she wanted to go further, one had friends who were training for triathalons and she was curious - this group was so diverse in experience and skill levels, and they were all super welcoming.  So after the session I asked what I should do next, and the leader challenged me to run two more 4ks and then up to 5k.
    So I took my homework and tried to run the two 4ks that week.  I failed, miserably.  I felt like I couldn't run more than a few minutes before I was tired, had a stitch, my leg bothered me, I was cold, I was hungry - there was every excuse in the book.
    By the time it came for me to attempt the 5k, I felt hopeless - I couldn't get anywhere near 4, how could I do 5?  So, that night I sat at home.  The next day I felt so guilty that I went out... and I got 5k!  I was so elated, I shared the news with my friends who all cheered with me.  For the first time, I felt like I had accomplished something so hugely physical, it was amazing - but was it a fluke?
    Turns out that it wasn't, two days later I was able to hit 5k again, and it was probably the second best feeling in the world - the validation that I can in fact do it.
    So, to all of you who are afraid of the winter - don't be.  Dress properly, remember that you will feel around 10 degrees (Celsius) warmer than the air temperature.  Make sure you scope out your route beforehand, know what the slip risks are (spots where puddles form, slippery surfaces, etc.).
    To all of you who are afraid to do this in public - don't be.  You'd be surprised just how welcoming the community can be.  I'd say it's uncommon to find snobby runners, people who can see you are determined to run will encourage you.  I've been smiled to, nodded at and waved to by strangers as I run, people will acknowledge that you are doing something positive for yourself.
    To all of you who don't think you can make it - keep trying.  Take note of what is working and what doesn't.  Remember my quitter leg?  It's because I was running heavy on one side, when I took note of that and adjusted I was able to run like the wind.
    And my final tip, join a run club.  Even if it's only for a night, you'll meet some great people and get some excellent tips.  A run club exists to run as a group, just make sure you join one that fits your skill level.  They won't leave you behind, they won't judge you - everybody is there to improve themselves, make new friends and have a great time.
    Well, thanks for reading my long story!  And in case you are wondering what's next - I'm going to continue running out in the cold until I can't take it anymore, and I plan to try a 5k race in the spring.
  8. Like
    Photoyogi24 reacted to Azatol in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    I agree wholeheartedly on running with a club. I've been doing that since March and just switched over from running with a club to running with a group out of Fleet Feet (My local running store). Nothing like taking something that's already awesome and then making it social!!
  9. Like
    Photoyogi24 reacted to Anne Lang in Ottawa girl back on the program and looking forward to winter   
    wow some day i will get there
  10. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Natcatvet in Advice for chaffing!!!   
    I agree 100% with the comments about BodyGlide, the stuff is wonderful.  Here's another tip, if BodyGlide is too hard to find or pricey, go to the drug store and buy an anti-blister stick from the footcare aisle.  It's the same thing, just marketed for your feet to help prevent blisters from shoe rubbing.  I've been using it for a couple of years now.
  11. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Azatol in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    So, last week I finally made 5k, and it was such an amazing feeling!
    To share my story, I started running seriously in May 2015.  Prior to this I had sort of dabbled in it, but I had never taken it seriously.  I never had a schedule, never kept proper track of things, found plenty of excuses to not do it.  To be honest, I didn't really have any idea of how to properly train myself.  I would aim to just run quickly, if I wasn't running I didn't feel like I was working, so I never interval trained.  Because of that, when I couldn't hit the unrealistic goals that I set for myself, I found myself quitting.
    In March 2015 I moved to a more central location with great access to public trails.  It also helps that I live in a very outdoor-oriented city, there are cyclists and runners everywhere!  All of this got me inspired to start running, and I also wanted to get in better shape for a big vacation in Europe because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk all day if I wasn't used to being on my feet more.
    So in May 2015, I began running and practicing yoga.  I soon found that I actually loved both of them, and I trained steadily for a few weeks until vacation.  And then I was gone for three weeks.  It wasn't so bad, I got back into running, but then it got humid and I found it unbearable to train outside.  I kept with it on day when the temperature wasn't at dangerous levels for strenuous activities, but all in all I found that I was able to train less.  Eventually I realized that I wasn't improving and I still couldn't run 5k, so I took a break from running.
    A couple of weeks ago I realized that I wasn't really happy.  I was too stationary, it seemed like all I did was sit at home.  So I decided to start running again, even though winter is just around the corner.  When I was in university I had to take the bus to class, and I always remember this one girl who would jog past me while I waited.  Every single day I saw her, it was clockwork, even in the winter.  So that's why I decided to get back into running, because even though it's cold, people can run in the winter, and it was amazing to watch how this girl improved and changed.
    To kick things off, I found a free evening running club.  Even though they are almost done for the season, I thought it would be a good way to get started.  I will admit that it was a little intimidating at first, especially when the leader asked if I could run 6k on non-flat terrain.  Figuring that lying would only hurt in the end, as embarrassed as I was, I admitted that I couldn't yet do 5k.  The club graciously worked to accommodate me, switching their planned route to something easier, and because it was my first time the leader started the run along my side.  With tips and encouragement to start, and then eventually being left to my own devices to run at my own physical pace, I managed to get through a very painful 4k.
    Even though it was painful, my one leg had decided to be a quitter and I had an awful stich in my side, it was so rewarding to finish and know that I had tried my best.  As we walked back to our meeting place to gather our things, the other members each came up to congratulate me and tell me a bit about their running stories.  One was a well seasoned runner who enjoyed snowshoe running in the winter (yes, running in snowshoes!), another had just run her first 5k race earlier in the fall and she wanted to go further, one had friends who were training for triathalons and she was curious - this group was so diverse in experience and skill levels, and they were all super welcoming.  So after the session I asked what I should do next, and the leader challenged me to run two more 4ks and then up to 5k.
    So I took my homework and tried to run the two 4ks that week.  I failed, miserably.  I felt like I couldn't run more than a few minutes before I was tired, had a stitch, my leg bothered me, I was cold, I was hungry - there was every excuse in the book.
    By the time it came for me to attempt the 5k, I felt hopeless - I couldn't get anywhere near 4, how could I do 5?  So, that night I sat at home.  The next day I felt so guilty that I went out... and I got 5k!  I was so elated, I shared the news with my friends who all cheered with me.  For the first time, I felt like I had accomplished something so hugely physical, it was amazing - but was it a fluke?
    Turns out that it wasn't, two days later I was able to hit 5k again, and it was probably the second best feeling in the world - the validation that I can in fact do it.
    So, to all of you who are afraid of the winter - don't be.  Dress properly, remember that you will feel around 10 degrees (Celsius) warmer than the air temperature.  Make sure you scope out your route beforehand, know what the slip risks are (spots where puddles form, slippery surfaces, etc.).
    To all of you who are afraid to do this in public - don't be.  You'd be surprised just how welcoming the community can be.  I'd say it's uncommon to find snobby runners, people who can see you are determined to run will encourage you.  I've been smiled to, nodded at and waved to by strangers as I run, people will acknowledge that you are doing something positive for yourself.
    To all of you who don't think you can make it - keep trying.  Take note of what is working and what doesn't.  Remember my quitter leg?  It's because I was running heavy on one side, when I took note of that and adjusted I was able to run like the wind.
    And my final tip, join a run club.  Even if it's only for a night, you'll meet some great people and get some excellent tips.  A run club exists to run as a group, just make sure you join one that fits your skill level.  They won't leave you behind, they won't judge you - everybody is there to improve themselves, make new friends and have a great time.
    Well, thanks for reading my long story!  And in case you are wondering what's next - I'm going to continue running out in the cold until I can't take it anymore, and I plan to try a 5k race in the spring.
  12. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Anne Lang in Advice for chaffing!!!   
    I agree 100% with the comments about BodyGlide, the stuff is wonderful.  Here's another tip, if BodyGlide is too hard to find or pricey, go to the drug store and buy an anti-blister stick from the footcare aisle.  It's the same thing, just marketed for your feet to help prevent blisters from shoe rubbing.  I've been using it for a couple of years now.
  13. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Anne Lang in morning vs. evening running   
    I was reading an article about this just the other day.  In the past I've been an early morning person, but more recently I've been working out just after work.  There seems to be pros and cons to both, but in the end it's up to the person and whether or not they can stick to it.  Morning or evening won't matter if you find yourself making excuses to not go!  I've included some examples of the pros and cons I read about for the morning runs.
    Morning Pros
    There can be less distractions that cause you to miss sessions such as staying late at work, having to go out for dinner, etc. Because you've been fasting, you do burn more fat-calories Morning Cons
    Because you've been fasting, you may not have enough energy and by proxy might not work as hard as you would in the evening Proper sleep is also essential to health and weight loss, so if you are waking up extra early but not going to bed early enough you may be doing more harm than good Just some food for thought, good luck!
  14. Like
    Photoyogi24 got a reaction from Ruthie in Completed the 5k program last week - the story continues   
    So, last week I finally made 5k, and it was such an amazing feeling!
    To share my story, I started running seriously in May 2015.  Prior to this I had sort of dabbled in it, but I had never taken it seriously.  I never had a schedule, never kept proper track of things, found plenty of excuses to not do it.  To be honest, I didn't really have any idea of how to properly train myself.  I would aim to just run quickly, if I wasn't running I didn't feel like I was working, so I never interval trained.  Because of that, when I couldn't hit the unrealistic goals that I set for myself, I found myself quitting.
    In March 2015 I moved to a more central location with great access to public trails.  It also helps that I live in a very outdoor-oriented city, there are cyclists and runners everywhere!  All of this got me inspired to start running, and I also wanted to get in better shape for a big vacation in Europe because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk all day if I wasn't used to being on my feet more.
    So in May 2015, I began running and practicing yoga.  I soon found that I actually loved both of them, and I trained steadily for a few weeks until vacation.  And then I was gone for three weeks.  It wasn't so bad, I got back into running, but then it got humid and I found it unbearable to train outside.  I kept with it on day when the temperature wasn't at dangerous levels for strenuous activities, but all in all I found that I was able to train less.  Eventually I realized that I wasn't improving and I still couldn't run 5k, so I took a break from running.
    A couple of weeks ago I realized that I wasn't really happy.  I was too stationary, it seemed like all I did was sit at home.  So I decided to start running again, even though winter is just around the corner.  When I was in university I had to take the bus to class, and I always remember this one girl who would jog past me while I waited.  Every single day I saw her, it was clockwork, even in the winter.  So that's why I decided to get back into running, because even though it's cold, people can run in the winter, and it was amazing to watch how this girl improved and changed.
    To kick things off, I found a free evening running club.  Even though they are almost done for the season, I thought it would be a good way to get started.  I will admit that it was a little intimidating at first, especially when the leader asked if I could run 6k on non-flat terrain.  Figuring that lying would only hurt in the end, as embarrassed as I was, I admitted that I couldn't yet do 5k.  The club graciously worked to accommodate me, switching their planned route to something easier, and because it was my first time the leader started the run along my side.  With tips and encouragement to start, and then eventually being left to my own devices to run at my own physical pace, I managed to get through a very painful 4k.
    Even though it was painful, my one leg had decided to be a quitter and I had an awful stich in my side, it was so rewarding to finish and know that I had tried my best.  As we walked back to our meeting place to gather our things, the other members each came up to congratulate me and tell me a bit about their running stories.  One was a well seasoned runner who enjoyed snowshoe running in the winter (yes, running in snowshoes!), another had just run her first 5k race earlier in the fall and she wanted to go further, one had friends who were training for triathalons and she was curious - this group was so diverse in experience and skill levels, and they were all super welcoming.  So after the session I asked what I should do next, and the leader challenged me to run two more 4ks and then up to 5k.
    So I took my homework and tried to run the two 4ks that week.  I failed, miserably.  I felt like I couldn't run more than a few minutes before I was tired, had a stitch, my leg bothered me, I was cold, I was hungry - there was every excuse in the book.
    By the time it came for me to attempt the 5k, I felt hopeless - I couldn't get anywhere near 4, how could I do 5?  So, that night I sat at home.  The next day I felt so guilty that I went out... and I got 5k!  I was so elated, I shared the news with my friends who all cheered with me.  For the first time, I felt like I had accomplished something so hugely physical, it was amazing - but was it a fluke?
    Turns out that it wasn't, two days later I was able to hit 5k again, and it was probably the second best feeling in the world - the validation that I can in fact do it.
    So, to all of you who are afraid of the winter - don't be.  Dress properly, remember that you will feel around 10 degrees (Celsius) warmer than the air temperature.  Make sure you scope out your route beforehand, know what the slip risks are (spots where puddles form, slippery surfaces, etc.).
    To all of you who are afraid to do this in public - don't be.  You'd be surprised just how welcoming the community can be.  I'd say it's uncommon to find snobby runners, people who can see you are determined to run will encourage you.  I've been smiled to, nodded at and waved to by strangers as I run, people will acknowledge that you are doing something positive for yourself.
    To all of you who don't think you can make it - keep trying.  Take note of what is working and what doesn't.  Remember my quitter leg?  It's because I was running heavy on one side, when I took note of that and adjusted I was able to run like the wind.
    And my final tip, join a run club.  Even if it's only for a night, you'll meet some great people and get some excellent tips.  A run club exists to run as a group, just make sure you join one that fits your skill level.  They won't leave you behind, they won't judge you - everybody is there to improve themselves, make new friends and have a great time.
    Well, thanks for reading my long story!  And in case you are wondering what's next - I'm going to continue running out in the cold until I can't take it anymore, and I plan to try a 5k race in the spring.
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