I've been doing C25k, got up to w7d2 without any breaks or repeats. Then I got quite sick, and didn't run for about 6 days. I went for two runs, with a rest day between like usual, found it a bit harder after almost a week off. Then both my kids got sick too, I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. It's been a week without solid sleep, I've been up with them at least every two hours every night and I have been absolutely exhausted. I haven't run in a week now, and I'm really missing it.
Anyway, I got my first full night sleep in two weeks last night, and I'm keen to get back on the bandwagon today. I'm so close. To finishing C25k!
My question is, should I drop back a couple of days in the program, because I've missed so many consecutive days? Or just start back at w7d3?