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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2016 in all areas

  1. I just finished the first day. Feeling good and going to follow through with the program! My biggest challenge will be taking that rest between runs. Thinking I will lift weights to build strength on the off days, or bike. Here's to everyone getting out there and trying!
    1 point
  2. BluePrism

    New to C5K

    I'm now 64 and stated at 320 lbs a year and a half ago and at 270 now. Now that the weather is nice again, starting C5K and working my way up....looking forward to it!
    1 point
  3. Hi Hope25! Sorry to hear that you've had a few rough years. We've all been there to some extent and it's difficult to change your mindset which is what will help to change your body and health. I too am overweight by 80lbs. But like yourself I'm ready for a positive change. I just started the program today and quite honestly I thought I was gonna die after the first 60 seconds of running. But I did it....and so did you! Keep it up!!!
    1 point
  4. KRucks

    52 and female

    Yes! Another over 50 starter here. I have been watching several 30 something family members getting into shape using this program. Not telling them about my dream to run a 5k in case it doesn't happen. So glad to have found this thread for support and encouraging words and advice. Go team!!
    1 point
  5. In my late 30s and realized how bad of shape I had become. October of 2014 I purchased c25k. Had a few stops and starts along the way. Finally really started working at it hard this February. Well I have lost 40lbs. Did change my diet also. Ran my first 5k this Sunday and just totally shocked myself with a 26 min time. Already signed up for a 10k. If a former couch potato like myself can do it. So can you!!
    1 point
  6. Kittyk8

    Week 2 day 1

    Ouch... I had a rough time this run. I changed locations and there were more hills than I am used to. I'm not feeling super motivated to do it again and don't know how to push through this. I had to skimp on 45 seconds of the fourth run but powered through the last two only to collapse once I got home. Any advice?
    1 point
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