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My lazy a$$!


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5 hours ago, Angedy said:

We can do this. Second walk/run  for me tomorrow morning  oh so early, but I'm not going to be put off, got all the running gear out and ready to go. 


Same for me tomorrow!! Second run after the hubby goes to work. I'm dreading it because I'm lazy!! Lol. But after I do it I'll be glad I did! I can't complain too much. Its beautiful running weather here in Florida.  Where are you running??

Good luck to you.  ! 

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Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear that! It's difficult to run on ice!  I'd be afraid to fall the whole time! 

Do you get to workout inside at least? 

My run went well!  I'm always a little anxious when it's time to bump up the intensity on C25K. 

I think today we'll play pickleball! I wish you could play it. It's pretty fun.  I especially have fun when I get my hubby running back and forth on the court! Lol he tries to return Every shot!

Well I hope you got a run in since Thursday! 

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Pickleball sounds great, I have asked a few people about it, but no one has heard of it, I might need to start a new craze :D.

I managed a run on Friday night, and ran to work today (Mon) and as long as the ice stays away I'll run tomorrow morning. 

Yeah I know what u mean, I do too. Today was week 3 run 2. 

We can do this lol 

Happy running x


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