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Treadmill beginner help

Guest Fitme

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I agree.  I just finished wk 1 day 2.  But I don’t no what I am doing.  Have to use treadmill so did both workouts at 6.0mph run speed while running and 3.5mph speed while walking.  No clue though if that is right wrong or doesn’t matter.  Seems this app is really just a timer ??  Doesn’t really say how many days to let go by between workouts. I am assuming it’s three days every other day ?  Doesn’t say.  Also not a lot of replies in forums.  Hope expletive gets better but I did like the first two sessions so far.  

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Guest Old Fart

Hard to be specific with so little information... At least 1 day between training until your muscles adapt to the stress and you can do 5K. I've seen 5 or 6mph with 3 for the walk recommended, but starting fitness may require something else.

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Hello. I just started the C25K bc I blow my knew trying to complete 10k. I found this app on Ytube. I use it in conjunction with Nike+run club. Nike+ guided runs provide excellent guidance on how to time your run. 

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I completed day 1 at speed 3-3.5 walk and 5 jog and incline 0-2. I find that my calves get pretty sore early on and I don’t know if it’s because of my speed/incline with the treadmill? Hoping to avoid injury!

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Guest Gabrielle

Today I finished Week 1 Day 1, and I had my treadmill set to 3.2 for walking and 4.0 for running at a 0 incline. It said “jogging,” and in my mind that’s anywhere between 4-5. 5-6 is running for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Atarisrokerchic

And just like that I feel completely inadequate. Lolz. My walk is 2.4 and jog is 3.4-3.6 depending on how sore my knees and ankles are on week 5. I guess I’m just excessively out of shape. Power to you all for that speed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Paxton31

You are not inadequate at all with that speed of walk 2.4 and jog 3.4-3.6. It also depends on your stride, length of your legs, form and running/jogging style to get the right place. You do you and keep on keeping on!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Jjiggles

I’m doing 3.4mi walk and 4.0 run/jog. I am a little anxious on the treadmill and fear falling off, also just starting out so I don’t want to be totally gassed halfway through the run. Every other day seems to work best for me so far. 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Roche

Hi, I'm seeing all the miles .. we use Kms.

I walk at about 5-6kms and have been starting running at 8.5 - 9kms ... should I slow it down (new to this!) Just not sure what actual running speed is classed as. Desperate for results but don't want to ruin myself either!

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I think the walk and run settings would be different for everyone. What may feel like running to one could be a fast walk to another. It would seem best to find your confort level and push just enough. If you go full tilt above and beyond your limit it may be more of a detriment than a help. I know my speed has improved since  I started using a treadmill. Couple weeks and I’ll transition to the great outdoors when the weather warms up :)

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Roche, if you look at the list on your app (where you find this forum, where you can put in your height/weight, send feedback, etc.), you'll see "units" near the bottom of the list (you may have to scroll to see it). If your app is giving you miles, slide the button to the left and it will change to km. Then, even if most or all people are talking in miles, your training program will be in kilometers.

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Hi everyone, I’m new to this so please bear with me. I’ve just finished week 4 of C10k and run VERY SLOWLY ! 

Im doing 4K walking pace and 6k jogging on the treadmill but once a week run outside ( no timing just do a 5k at what ever walking running pace intervals I can)

im 53 3 stone over weight and very unfit but the app is helping me get fitter.

hoping to do a full outdoor 10 K by September. 


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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/23/2019 at 8:31 PM, Guest Roche said:

Hi, I'm seeing all the miles .. we use Kms.

I walk at about 5-6kms and have been starting running at 8.5 - 9kms ... should I slow it down (new to this!) Just not sure what actual running speed is classed as. Desperate for results but don't want to ruin myself either!


Hey I use kms to. you'll soon figure out your comfortable non injury speed. Mines only 7.5km at the moment as I'm carrying a bit of weight. But when I get to the end of programme I then work on speed increase or time increase or both. (Been through this programme about three times) 

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  • 1 year later...
Guest anytimestrength

Beginner treadmill workout is a great to exercise equipment and its solid go-to routine so  first start by walking determine how long you'll work out try 3 min test warm up and remember slow and steady wins the race or don,t run on an incline for too long

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Roy Yerkes

You can start treadmill running at a slow pace for 15 minutes, three days a week. Then, gradually increase the duration to 30 minutes, four times a week. If your goal is to improve the level of your fitness, your exercise level should be moderate to vigorous. For cheapest gym equipment's visit my website: 1Last

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