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Looking to get started but have questions???


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Thank you in advance for assistance with my questions.


I have signed up for a 5K in April and I want to start training now. I am not in horrible shape but by know means am I where I want to be. Here are my questions:


1. I live in the desert and I know for the last week I have not been drinking enough water and I am dehydrated. Do I get my water in take up first or just start the program?

2. I see the first day is 30 minutes. What if I can't complete 30 minutes? Do I do as much as I can? Do I keep repeating the same day until I can do 30 minutes?

3. What do you recommend eating after a run?

4. I feel like I look like a dork when I jog. I have long legs yet I take baby steps. Any thoughts or just suck it up?


Have a great day......

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Hi! Congratulations on wanting to better yourself! Here are my opinions on your questions :)


1. I would start the program and also up my water intake, especially since you are in a desert climate. But always drink water, regardless of if you 'feel' hydrated! Track it if you are unsure.

2. Try to do the intervals but feel free to skip a 'jog' session and walk through it! Do what you feel is correct for your body. And feel free to repeat days!! I stayed on week four for almost three weeks.

3. I enjoy a huge glass of water, yogurt and a banana after my workouts but whatever makes you happy and healthy!

4. I feel like I look like a dork when I jog too. I have short legs and no matter how fast I feel like I'm 'running' (or even sprinting), I'm still taking baby steps.


I hope this helps and have a wonderful day to you!

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Sorry about the multiple posts. Rob I psyched myself out yesterday and spent 2 hours in bed this morning psyching myself out until I finally said to hell with it. I just finished. I got through it and I look forward to riding my bike tomorrow and my run the next day. Thanks for checking in on me...

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This morning at 4:00am I was at the crossroads - I had to convinced myself to get up and run. Once I was out there I was so glad I did it. Experiencing that feeling at the beginning of a run where you're moving at a good pace but you aren't breathing hard is a great feeling. With each run, it gets better.

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