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Leg strengthening exercises


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Been at this for almost 2 months. Today was the first time I measured distance and my pace was way slower then I thought. Would like to be at 6mph. Right now my only exercise is the 3 days of weeks of jogging. Should I start incorporating some strength training. What are some good strength building activities that doesn't require the use of a gym. Should these exercises be done on the day I run or in between running days. Trying to lose weight as well as increase my time and distance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi There MCGold,


Sorry your question was not answered earloer than today. I apologize. It has been a crazy summer.


Absolutely on strength training exercises. Upper body, Lower Body, Core training? Alternate days with those.


There are apps for that too. Zenlabs has leg app, lunge app, situps, pushups etc......... They are pretty cool. I love working out with my own my won body as a weight. Walk by a counter, i do 10 pushups, lunges to the bathroom. Lol. Its amazing how you can incorporate it into your lifestyle.


Anyways. If you need my help, i can help you setup a strength tarining routine, but there is lots online too.


Proud of ya!!!

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