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Week 3 Day 1


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I was up bright and early again this morning to do day 1 of week 3. I am still at the stage where I will only run when it's dark so no one can really see me!!!!!! Still getting up T 5.30am to do my run before I go to work. Need to try and get out in the evening too, however think the mornings are better for me. Not sure about the whole breathing thing, I have started chewing gum to help me focus and regulate my breathing. Have to say, I found it hard today running for 3 mins but I did it and carried on. At this stage I just can't imagine being able to run for any length of time..........will see what happens. I am so pleased that I have got this far

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Hi Deb, 


YAY for you.  So proud of you, you are doing great.   Don't worry about running in the daylight, I am sure that they are looking at you thru the window in the dark and saying, WOW, LOOK AT HER GO, wish I was like her out running.


You have to be proud of yourself.     GO DEB, Keep us posted!  

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You're doing great Deb!! Keep it up!!

I know what you're saying about people seeing you run. I have 2 routes that I run. My daytime route (road with very little houses and cars whip by and won't notice 'who' is running) And my nighttime route. (which is subdivisions)

Those posts above did put things into perspective though! Who cares who sees us! We are doing something great for ourselves!!! You can do this Deb!!! I'll be thinking of you on my next daytime run!!

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I'll be thinking of you too Deb!!  


Healthy ... "who cares who see us"!  YeeHAW! I love it! I have been and will continue to be refarming this area of my life as well.  This area has always been a big challenge for me.  It is so empowering to let my assumptions and judgments go AND also let the facts, opinions, perceptions or judgement of others, lay where they originated - at the source.  So a self/other-compassionate and always respectful... 

Who Cares and So What!


...might be my new motto anytime I catch myself being a bit too self-absorbed while exercising. I'm dead serious! LOL  I doubt the person who might see me cares, so why should I.  I AM after all moving forward, (quite literally) :P  :D 


Now that said, I do care. I think I will always be the type that worries this way - although I hope not forever as it is so draining.  However, I am learning to care in a more empowering way by changing what I think and even changing my assumptions - however much an ass they make out of me. LOL  Instead, they might be looking at me, and they may even be judging me, yet here is what they are saying: 


"That is so cool that she is out there running. I can see that she is struggling a bit, yet she is out there doing her best to make a difference in her life. Good for her! Hmmm, I think I might start exercising too!"


Yes, I'm poking fun at myself and having fun!  Who cares! LOL  Thank you Healthy!!!  Exercising is definitely helping with self-confidence!  So too are the folks here! :)



edit: I said refarming up above. I meant reframing!  Yet refarming is apt. LOL

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Don't be afraid to run in the daylight, on a sidewalk around your neighborhood, or anywhere!   Just think of how much inspiration and motivation you are giving to anyone who is watching.  Either that or you're making them feel guilty because YOU are out there running and they're not! LOL At least that's what I tell myself...


Daylight, not daylight, it doesn't matter.  What matters is you're doing it and for that - awesome!

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You know Deb, if youre schedule allows it Ive read several times that your body actually burns more fat in the direct sunlight. Dont quote me let me look it up but Im pretty sure ive heard that. I get the self conscious thing, trust me and a lot of people prefer running in the early mornings or late evenings but just some food for thought

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