I saw this one coming.
I've done everything through Week 5, Day 2, which I thought would be pretty challenging as you make the transition from 5 minute runs to 8 minute runs, an increase of 60%. But that last day, which I attempted this morning, jumps to a single run of 20 minutes with no walking.
Now, wait a minute -- the run before last was 5 minutes (times three). Now we're at 20 minutes? Four days later?
I know the next workout, Week 6 Day 1, is easier.
But what's the point of this 20 minute run? I couldn't complete it, and wound up walking about a third of the time. Very discouraged.
I've decided to try to repeat it in a couple of days, and continue doing it until I can get up to 20 minutes, however long it takes.
I had no problem with the previous run, so a couple of runs of 8 minutes each is doable with a 5 minute walk to break it up. This is an entirely different kettle of fish.
Has anyone else run into this problem at this stage? Until now, I've found the program really good, and step by step have been getting fitter.
P.S. I'm a 61 one year old male in London (England). I can't remember the last time I ran -- possibly in 1980. I keep fit by walking, so this is really a big challenge for me.