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  1. http://www.zenlabsfitness.com/difference-running-treadmill-running-pavement/ As you gear up to get started on your running routine, one of the most important things that you might be asking yourself is where to do your runs. While some people have a srong preference of either the treadmill or outside, others may not be so sure. Is one better than the other? Would you see enhanced results running outdoors compared to on a treadmill? Or perhaps the treadmill is better? By understanding the differences between the two, you can make a more informed decision on where to do your runs.
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone, My name is Marianna and I am finally ready to make a new beginning with my life. I suffered from bulimia and I am still struggling with depression. I used to be fit and I enjoyed running, but suddenly depression came by and everything changed. Procrastination and loss of motivation led me to unknown paths. I started hating my body and I forgot how it was to appreciate life and how to be happy. Today is my first run and I cannot wait for it. I can't say that I have won this battle, but I am proud of myself and I want treat my body with respect and love. I must confess that I am feeling really weird right now, since it is the first time that I am publicly talking about this without any guilt or embarassement. I am afraid. I am afraid that I won't be able to complete the run. I am afraid that I am not strong enough. If you are reading and you are also afraid, you are not alone. Just remember that the hardest step is the one out of the front door! Lots of love,
    1 point
  3. iamjjs3


    So I downloaded the PushUp, SitUp and Squats apps. The squats were the hardest and I couldn't even finish them on Week One Day One. I am forty six years old and was a truck driver for 15 years so I have put on quite a few pounds have lead a sedentary lifestyle. I am getting up for the first time muscle in all these years and trying to make a change. I am 5'6" and 192 pounds. No muscle at all but it begins here. However I am so sore from the squats android couldn't even finish. Well I wish everyone luck and hope that I can look back after sometime and see the results. Peace and God Bless!
    1 point
  4. CNUsmile


    I am training for my first 5k in the fall. It is actually a 6k called the Heroes in Recovery 6k supporting those who are recovering from addiction. I have taken many bold steps to get healthy in the last year and a half including getting/staying clean from heroin and losing nearly 80 lbs. Doing any kind of running was always scary for me, but using the c25k app has made it fun and I look forward to where this leads me in my health journey.
    1 point
  5. I'm just starting Week 5, so I'm no expert, but I've noticed a few things help me with regards to hitting that wall... 1) Pace: Holding back a bit on those initial run portions and going all out in that final minute keeps me from tiring out early and helps me look forward to that final minute when I get to let go. 2) Rest: Sometimes a run is particularly hard and it helps to have that day in between to recover both physically and mentally. 3) Heat: I find it a bit easier to run later in the evening when it's cooler. 5) Shin Splints: While sitting with your feet off the ground in front of you, trace the alphabet in the air, moving only at your ankles. Super easy to do throughout the day, at the desk, while watching TV, etc. Hope some of that works for you too! Best of luck!
    1 point
  6. The answer is - walking. Normal speed but include 10sec burst of speed walking. In a week or two you will be able to speed walking 20 and 30 sec intervals. Then you can try to jog - it is very similar to walking, but there is an interval when your both legs are of the ground. It is not easy switch from sedimentary life style to active moving but it's worth it. I know what I am talking about - I did this switch when I got 55yo
    1 point
  7. BornForThis93

    Noob questions

    Hi, first of all let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a 24 year old (female) trying to get into shape. I'm 5'5" and weight 162 lbs. I don't really like number goals as number isn't important to me I just want to feel healthier and more confident, but if I had to put a number I'd like to get to about 130-135. Anyway, a few questions I have are: Is it okay to run 5 days a week? I personally enjoy the running once I get into the zone. Yesterday I did 40 minutes of jogging/running/walking mixed together without stopping. I know it is good to take rest days in between but I feel like it might hurt my motivation. Is is there a time in the day that it's better to run? I've heard before that running in the morning can boost your metabolism for the whole day, but I didn't know if that was factual or not. Lastly, is losing 30 pounds a realistic goal for someone my size? I'm not obese but I do feel like I'm overweight. I used to be skin and bones but I started eating all the wrong things in way too big portions. (I am also not eating fast food anymore and am trying to adhere to a 1300 calorie a day "diet". I am also drinking nothing but water) Thank you for reading my first post here on the forums and good luck to anyone reading on their fitness journey
    1 point
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