Hi there! Short background on me, I'm 24 years old and have been out of shape for about 3 years. I live in the Midwest. I'm 5'11" and 200 lbs. I was recommended here by a friend and am looking to start running again for the first time since high school! I'm shooting for the couch to 5k program. I work as a programmer and sit around for most of the day, so I could use some getting in shape! I'm glad that there's such a welcoming community here. That said, I do have a couple of concerns.
Number 1, I've got notoriously bad knees. About a year ago, I had a practice session with a physical trainer at a gym. He had me run on a treadmill and I had to stop a few minutes in. Not because I was overly tired or out of breath, but because my knees were screaming in pain and I had to stop. Is it possible that this program will help my knees to become stronger so that this is no longer a problem? To be honest, it never affected me until about a year ago, but I've also been very inactive for about 3 years now.
Second question: I would like advice on how to stay motivated! Whenever I start a new activity or hobby, I manage to keep it up for a few days at most before deciding, "eh, what's the point?" And continuing my lazy habits. I would be happy to take any and all advice on how to stay motivated!
Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to your responses!