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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2014 in all areas

  1. I was going to advise getting a knee support/wrap, but I'm no expert, just thinking about what my DH has done in times past with knee pain. I'd take a look here and see if these seem similar to your knee troubles: http://forums.zenlabsfitness.com/topic/107-knee-issue/
    1 point
  2. LoneBabyWildebeest

    Shin pain

    Funny that today I shifted my weight forward a bit while I ran and it "seemed" to ease the discomfort a bit. I thought it might be my imagination, but considered that my form might be wrong. Thanks for posting, I'll have to look into that. -LBW
    1 point
  3. anewnam

    Can't run 20 minutes

    Ashley a mile is a mile no matter what pace you run it. That saying has helped me so much through this journey. I just completed wk5 day3 and I had so much anxiety over it. I was SLOW but I did it and that's all that matters!
    1 point
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