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Coming up to week 5 and question about pace

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Hi everyone, I've just finished Week 4 Day 2. I skipped week 3 as I wanted to do something slightly more challenging and Week 3 Day 1 wasn't really pushing me. Also I have signed up for a 4km fun run on Feb 20.


I was just browsing these forums and got a shock when I saw people talking about a twenty minute run in week 5. Surely it was a mistake... nope, there it is in my app!


At this point I can't fathom how I will be able to do twenty minutes without stopping to walk. I know I know, it's all mental, I may surprise myself etc etc... I guess we'll see but I'm determined to give it my best shot!


I'm quite nervous about the 4km run because I do a slow jog which sometimes feels like a fast shuffle. When I'm doing my workouts at the park there are other joggers who are lifting their feet higher off the ground and going faster. I feel like a hippo in comparison. I'm a little overweight (have been losing lots of weight over the past year) and just feel heavy when I run.


I'm thinking with my current slow jog/shuffling I'm going to be one of the last in the fun run. There are prizes for the top three finishers and I don't care about that-- however I am very conscious about being one of the last and wonder if my slow jogging at a steady pace will still be too slow. I have no idea about runs, I've never done this before and when I see other joggers at the park with a faster pace and looking like 'proper' joggers, I wonder if I stand a chance in the fun run!


For those of you that start off as slow jogges/shufflers, did you find that eventually you were able to pick up your feet more? When I've tried to do that I get fatigued after ten seconds!

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It sounds like you're doing a great job already! And as you mentioned in the post, you've signed up for a 'fun run' so focus on that - having fun! The people you see may have been running for much longer than you have - you can only worry about yourself and your improvement. If during your runs right now you aren't picking up your legs as others are, I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you aren't injuring yourself with your form. I know I have a small leg pickup, mostly to protect against too hard of impact on the road and potential injury. There's a lot of reading you can do about proper form and what form will help you prevent injury as you run farther and longer - I would focus on this advice rather than trying to look like the other runners you see (you'd be surprised to read that some of them may be doing it wrong  :) ).


You've signed up for your first run - enjoy that time. You don't get another true 'first run' (although if you enjoy it you'll get new 'firsts' in distances). Just do what feels comfortable for you now. If your current stride gives you the ability to run longer, then use that to your advantage right now. It'll help you build endurance.


Week 5, Day 3...the dreaded 20 minutes! Just take your time, and slow and steady ALWAYS wins! I can still remember that day...


Have fun at the 4K and be sure to let is know how it goes (both the 4K and W5D3)!

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I feel your concern and due to some tiny medical issues I can't run or jog lightly, I also feel like a hippo.I have suffered from shin splints and plantar's fascitis since November. I couldn't do the 20 min run and have tried twice. I have to give my feet and ankles a walk rest after 10-11 minutes, so I am going to repeat the days preceding week 5 day 3 and inch forward slowly, 3 minutes at a time til I am there. We all have our issues and should only compete with ourselves.  I have signed up for my 1st 5k on January 3oth, I think I should have waited, but I thought I would be ready. I am still going to go for it, if I walk/run it and finish last so be it. I have to experience it to know where I need to improve. No matter where we finish, we tried and we aren't on the couch, so applause to you and keep trying and keep us informed. Good luck

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thanks again folks :) tamap19, good luck for your 5k!


Well I ended up stopping the C25K for now (I stopped a fortnight ago). I've started doing Freeletics and with C25K there was an overtraining issue. I love Freeletics but don't love C25K, however my Freeletics also includes running and some sprints, so I think I will be on track for my fun run in Feb. It's another three weeks away. At this stage no I don't feel ready for it but will be giving it my best shot.

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