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I ran W10D1 on Saturday and took Sunday & today off. In lieu of run I walked the dog for about 12 k. With the transition to longer runs, I've been paying attention to the soreness I feel. After a longer run, my thighs were sore (no big deal); but my knee was a little sore just below the knee cap. This was unusual for me. I feel it's better to take an extra day off than aggrevate it. Today, it feels normal (took 200 mg of Ibruprofen). How do others handle these situations?

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I ran W10D1 on Saturday and took Sunday & today off. In lieu of run I walked the dog for about 12 k. With the transition to longer runs, I've been paying attention to the soreness I feel. After a longer run, my thighs were sore (no big deal); but my knee was a little sore just below the knee cap. This was unusual for me. I feel it's better to take an extra day off than aggrevate it. Today, it feels normal (took 200 mg of Ibruprofen). How do others handle these situations?

It depends what below means. Below as in lower on the leg, I am not so sure. Below as in beneath the kneecap is most likely the beginnings of Patellofemorol Pain Syndrome (AKA Runners Knee). It really depends what your fitness level is and how much you presently run per week. If you are a sub 5K runner, it might not be a bad idea to get some rest for the knee. If you are a seasoned runner, backing down your intensity, and staying on flat ground while continuing to run can work (This is what I've done).


In both cases, you will want to regularly do calf, quad and piriformis stretches during recovery (and forever. I do them all daily).


I am not a medical professional so take it for what it's worth :)

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