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joint pain

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I have just started this program after years of not running. I have been having joint pain in my hip knee and ankle. Mainly on my left side. Is there anyway to make this easier on those joints? Also muscle pain how to help it so I can run the next day?

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Try drinking a cup of water mixed with sea salt at night before going to bed. The taste is terrible, but the sea salt relaxes your muscles and joints so when you wake up you're not in pain. I have a bad knee too and I started doing this ever night about a month ago. It's helped me a lot

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Properly fitted shoes are a major key. I will admit I grimaced at the price tag, but I viewed it as a long term investment in my health. 


If you can, talk to a chiropractor. I see mine probably once a month. Stretching is very important as well to help with the muscle pain. I've started stretching when I get back to the house after my 5 minute cool down, and that's seemed to help with sore muscles.


Ultimately, talk to your dr. He/she will be able to give you the best advice. You definitely don't want to hurt yourself.

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I agree 100% with the shoes... your shoes are going to make or break your success when it comes to running.  Also I don't know your situation, body build, etc... but I started running on the pavement and my ankles and knees were so painful that I just couldn't do it.  I started doing the C25K program on a "Stride Right" machine at the local gym (kind of a cross between a treadmill and elliptical) and I have no more joint pain and have been progressing well with the program.  I hope that you can find the solution that is right for you.  Happy Running :)

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