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W1D1 for my husband

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Healthy! How exciting!  Please share with him that I so admire his courage in getting out there (running and skiing) in spite of and because of his nervousness :)  What a blessing for both of you - connection, family, health - life-affirming values come to mind. Smiling!

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Thanks Rosewithin!

Last week someone asked me if my kids ran with me. When I said no, they were surprised I had not asked them to. So when my husband I got back from the run, I told to my 9 yr. old son that if dad and I can run. He could too. He looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights! Lol I guess I'll have to work on the kids a bit harder!! Lol that would be awesome to run as a family!!

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Hey H4ME!,  


Thats awesome..    You are so lucky that your hubby will run with you.  Mine never has.  BUTTTTTTT, heis walking with me now, so we go about 6x around our track 1/4 mile around once, and then he goes in to work and then I do the app.  I do love it, as at least he going with me.   


Proud of you all.  

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Today was w2d2 for hubby. He is pretty sore, but he went with me anyway. He has shin splints. Especially on the right leg. Funny thing is he hated the walking portion of the program. He said it didn't hurt when he was running, but very painful when walking. I told him we'll (meaning I'm going to go alone, lol) rest up for an extra day or 2 until his shins feel better. Then we'll try again. :) that's what I love most about this program, no stress. Take it as our bodies handle it. That and everyone's support. This place rocks!!

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Uuugh. Hate those shin splints. Does he run too fast at the start when it says run???? I had those years ago and slowed down at the start and that helped. Pretty cool he is going with you. I love it.


I love how everyone here helps each other on their journeys. So encouraging. Hugs to you all and keep at it.

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