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Everything posted by margo0119

  1. It's good to hear that others are thinking about repeating weeks. I just did week 2 and I am going to repeat it. I don't look ahead because I don't want to get discouraged but I don't feel like I did this well enough to tackle anything longer. The weather here in VA is brutal and I think that may have something to do with it. I am so looking forward to running thru fall and even winter. By next summer I hope to be much fitter and have a few 5Ks under my belt.
  2. Thank you again torus_ot. I try to encourage the newbies like myself. I guess since I didn't ask a question I didn't get a response lol.
  3. Thank you torus_ot!! I appreciate your feedback!
  4. I am literally going from the couch to 5K. I am on week 2 day 3. The first week was tough but manageable. Week 2 was brutal for me. I think I will repeat it. I have pain on the inside of my calves. I am not sure if it is just pain from running in general or if I need different running shoes or inserts. Has anyone else had this and if so, what helped? My breathing is all over the place I am literally gasping for air and I am NOT running fast. I want to do this right. Also, does anyone walk on the rest days? I don't want to overdo it but I want to get into shape quicker. Any tips would be appreciated.
  5. So I guess this is a silent forum....
  6. Emma.tay2601, I am a newbie too. I just started last week. I did the entire week and I was surprised at how well I did. I, like you have never been a runner, and have always considered myself as overweight. It didn't take overnight to get here and I won't change overnight either. One step at a time. You will be surprised at how quickly a minute passes when you are running. I am going to add music to my run next week to help take my mind off of running. lol Just get started and before you know it you will have one week under your belt. You can do this!!
  7. It's so nice to see so many non-runners on here. I am too. I don't run in secret mainly because I have no where to hide. I am just glad there are no mirrors when I am running; I am sure I am quite the sight. I don't care though. I am doing this for me and eventually I will look like an athlete out there. Hang in there Doc WE GOT THIS! margo
  8. Good job! I got thru w1d2 so far! We can do this!
  9. Way to go! Good Job! Keep going!
  10. Hi Fran, I am a newbie too. My husband is from CT. We live in Va now. It's beautiful there. I am 51 and I have battled my weight most of my life. Up and down. Health problems, etc. I know we can do this. I am planning to do a color run in October. I like that my first one won't be about the time. It looks like it's gonna be fun. If you post something on social medias sites you might be able to find someone in your area to join you. I am sure there are other people in your area who would love to join you. Margo
  11. Hey Everyone, I just started the C25K on 8/15/16 after watching my 35 year old son come in 1st place for his age group in his 2nd 5K on Saturday. He inspired me. I am literally going from the couch to the 5K. I was in pretty good shape last year but I had some surgery that kept me down for 3 months and I never really got back in shape...until now. I haven't run since I was in grade school so this is really difficult for me but I am sticking with it. I have lots of questions but I will search the threads to look for answers before I ask. I look forward to chatting with others. Margo
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