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    Healthylife4me reacted to KellyAnn in Finished w8d3. Today I ran the "5K".   
    Hey H4Me, 
    I love to run the last day twice, and usually do that weekly.   If you want to start again, go ahead, but you can also move up to the 10k app if you want. I am on Week 7 and I am running for 25 minutes now, when I can, sometimes I cant.  Keep us posted on your progress .  So proud of you..  Strength train too.  You got this.!
  2. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to Azatol in Finished w8d3. Today I ran the "5K".   
    At 11:35 min/mile and today did W8D1 and got 2.42 miles. I'm way short and won't pick up nearly 3/4 of a mile in 2 more minutes. My intention is to use a GPS watch ( Garmin Forerunner 10 was only 99 bucks ). I'll keep running 3 days a week and every 3rd run I'll add 2 minutes until I'm running 3.1. I'll then keep doing that every workout until I decide some day to go for 10k. You're in win mode. You get to run freely! No lady tellin ya what to do. No turning around at a prompt. Run until you feel like running back. Run to cool destinations. Check them out and run back. I'm excited to join you in the winners circle.
  3. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from KellyAnn in Here it is w8d3.   
    He might run with me, but he hates social media. So, no, he won't join me on here. But, I'll keep you updated on him when I post updates on my progress.
  4. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to Azatol in Finished w8d3. Today I ran the "5K".   
    This is not a fail. This is a bigtime score!! You're practically there and you know the recipe to get there. Knock out a few extra minutes on the next run and you're there. The speed will come. At least it better, because it's my plan in a couple weeks <G>
  5. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from Azatol in Finished w8d3. Today I ran the "5K".   
    Which turned out to actually be 4.3 kms. I ran the runkeeper app only during the 30 minute run portion to see if I am in fact running 5k. I didn't think I was, and yet, I was still disappointed.
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    Healthylife4me reacted to Azatol in Day 1 Week 2   
    It was only 5 weeks ago for me. Best suggestion is don't watch the time. Dig in and pace yourself and go until told to stop. Watrching the time to your next walk phaze helps your mind defeat you. Let it be surprised.
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from Azatol in Here it is w8d3.   
    I did go out and I rocked!!! Lol
    I am amazed that a few short months ago I couldn't run 60 seconds. Now I can run 30 minutes!!!
    Now I am trying to talk my husband into running. I told him I'd start the program all over again (to better my pace) and I'd run 5k a couple times a week on my own. I think I'm winning. Lol hopefully by next week I'll be posting his progress as well!!
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Here it is w8d3.   
    I'm getting myself psyched up for it.
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from KellyAnn in Almost there. W7D3   
    Awesome Richard! We're only a running day apart. I just finished W8D2. I'm so excited!
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    Healthylife4me reacted to Richard in Almost there. W7D3   
    wk8 d1 done
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Get your hands off that phone!   
    I also agree. Put it away and forget it. Think about other things. Like the outdoors around you. Gardens, lights, anything. I like to make my mental notes of things I need to pick up at the grocery store, chores or think of a movie or book I may have just watched/ read. Lol, anything to get my mind off of how much time is left!!
  12. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from Azatol in Almost there. W7D3   
    I am getting so super excited to run 5k!! Tomorrow is w7d3 for me. I am so excited I want to run everyday so I can do it faster. Lol, but of course, I won't. I'll take my rest days and kill the 5K!! (I hope) Who else is on week 7? I know azatol is. I'd love to hear everyone's stories!!
    A cold front has moved in this week, but I am determined to finish this outside. I have never run inside yet. -6 tomorrow and -11 on Thurs. I may experience those frozen eyelashes yet!
  13. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Week 5 day 3   
    Amanda, you gave me goosebumbs!!!   You are an exemplar of pressing on - in spite of and because of!!
    Honestly, I had to giggle while reading as I could so relate to what you were feeling - been there done that, and still do that on occasion. LOL  In the past especially, I would fret and worry about step 10 long before accomplishing step 1 OR I'd worry about how I would feel AFTER, before even beginning or completing.   LOL  So silly of me.   In your case, you were worried about how you would feel (dissapointment) before you had even begun or finished.  Nevertheless, you persevered - in spite of and because of your fear of what you 'might' experience - and achieved success!  I sure feel good about what YOU achieved and have continued to achieve!  Definitely!  Thank you Amanda!  WayHAY to go siSTAR!   
    Congrats to everyone else too!   Energized after reading these posts!  CHEERS!
  14. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted in Week 5 day 3   
    I started the 20 min run yesterday got 1/2 way done and stopped not because I could not keep going physically but mentally. So I kept walking and by the time the cool down ended I had some great self talk and stared over and finished the 20 minute run. I am pretty sure my neighbor laughed at me as I ran home smiling and jumping up and down. I was so proud of myself! First time I can remember running 20 minutes without stopping!
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    Healthylife4me reacted in Week 5 day 3   
    On my first week, I found it hard to run for 1 whole min continuously, I could do it but it was tough for me - even just one min. I looked ahead through what I would have to do each week and saw that in week 5 day 3 I should run for 20 mins continuously. I almost gave up right there knowing that would be impossible, but I decided to just see how far I could go. So each week I got a little better and then yesterday I laced up my shoes and actually felt really nervous because I knew that part of me was actually hoping I could do it, and was dreading how disappointed I was going to feel. 
    Ok well I didn't manage to run continuously for 20 mins, BUT I did run for 13 mins before I looked down and saw on my HRM that my bmp was too high, and so I walked for 30 seconds, then started running again, I did need another 30 second walk before I finished, but by the end I had run 2.1 miles in 23mins and I did not feel disappointed.
    In fact I am amazed!!
  16. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to Azatol in W4D1   
    W6D1 down. Piece of cake. Explored a new park to me. They have a mile long shale path as wide as a streeet lane. Was a real pleasure. I feel like after finishing W5D3 the rest of the program will be smooth sailing.
  17. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to Azatol in W4D1   
    I was a bit nervous. 36 degrees F out. My coldest outing yet and a substantial increase from 50/50 ruh/walk to 66/33. I'm surprised how smooth it went. When she said begin your cool down my tank was surprisingly not empty. Yay! Never got cold btw
  18. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to TheRoseWithin~Shannon in New to the forums   
    So interesting, and what a good idea to have someone look (film) you while running. I'm noticing I feel a bit of pain towards the end too. May be my shoes OR may be how I am running. Makes me curious ... 
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from TheRoseWithin~Shannon in New to the forums   
    I asked my husband to video me running. So I could see what it is I am doing to make my hip hurt. I went to our local high school and ran the track. I turn my leg out. The longer I run, the more it turned out until I was eventually limping. That was 3 runs ago. I have since focused on keeping my leg in proper position and running slower. I still have some pain, but it is so much better than it was.
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    Healthylife4me got a reaction from TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Breathing in the wind/ cold   
    I am also a beginner. Before this app I never, ever thought I could be a runner! I never buy anything until I am sure it is something I will continue to do. So... I just wear what I have. Sweatpants. If it's super cold, I wear leggings under them. I wear my old winter coat (so I dont sweat up my regular one) and again if it's reall cold, I wear a hoody under it. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I am uncomfortably sweaty, and it's hard to run with a winter coat in your hands. That being said, just try out what you do have. And wear a hat!! I also have slip on grippers for my shoes if it's slippery or snowy out. good luck!! You will find what works for you!!
  21. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from Azatol in W7d1   
    25 minutes!! I did it! I never thought I could be a runner!! My sister has been a big part of my motivation! She is on week 9. She has asked me to run a 5k with her in April! I said I would. Yikes!! Thank you c25k!!
  22. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Breathing in the wind/ cold   
    Hi! First, I have to say, I ran slow. I wanted to make sure I didn't quit running. I did notice a difference between 5 and 10 minutes. My body warmed up. I also ran down streets with houses on both sides, so the cold bitter wind was not an issue. I have been reading a lot of posts and there is great advice on breathing (KellyAnn
  23. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to KellyAnn in Breathing in the wind/ cold   
    Oh my Gosh, Helathylife4me,
    Absolutely incredible. I'm so excited for you. Feels great to be able to accomplish that huh??? You did amazing. I am on Week 7, Day 1 on Monday. I've taken a bepreak the last few weeks with lots of travel so I might revert back to week 5 or 6. I sooo love these apps. Amazing and exciting.
    Keep going. Proud if you. Yay.
  24. Like
    Healthylife4me got a reaction from Azatol in Breathing in the wind/ cold   
    Hi! First, I have to say, I ran slow. I wanted to make sure I didn't quit running. I did notice a difference between 5 and 10 minutes. My body warmed up. I also ran down streets with houses on both sides, so the cold bitter wind was not an issue. I have been reading a lot of posts and there is great advice on breathing (KellyAnn
  25. Like
    Healthylife4me reacted to TheRoseWithin~Shannon in Breathing in the wind/ cold   
    Dang! Congratulations HLRme!  I'm curious, by the end or middle of the run do you start to notice a difference in how the cold is affecting you?  I ask because I have never run outside during the winter - only inside. I stepped outside my comfort zone, yesterday, in below 35 and didn't think I'd want to do it again, yet I warmed up towards the end and felt great!  What are you noticing for you, and what are you saying to yourself, in those first minutes of bitter cold, to press on?  
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