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Everything posted by Linita&i

  1. I will run tomorrow, I've been to a long few mile walk already, today it's a cleaning the house day, have a day you too, and a nice weekend! Xxx
  2. Omg! Azatol! What has happened to you? You are an addict! It's an amazing journey you have gone thorough and I can tell you are very enthusiastic and confident about this new passion of yours! Thanks so much for sharing this experience with us, if I start to become a pro, first thing I'll do it will be to look at this post haha, very useful tips there, thank you! Wish me luck on mine!
  3. Thanks for the quick reply, it makes sense, I'm very jealous! 20 miles per week sounds like a very healthy plan, I know people want more with time and it's difficult to have enough of what feels good, I guess that's why my neighbour runs for so many hours in difficult routes, but personally, I think it's too much and might even unhealthy to run such long sessions, as opposed to swimming, running is a bit brutal to our bodies, 20 miles is great! Well done! When did you start consistently running? Or have you always done it? Im interested how many veterans and newbies in comparison make a habit of running ))
  4. Azatol, I couldn't find this post to reply to you, thanks for the advise, in the end I was so sore, I couldnt feel my legs and bottom in every movement (plus, silly me, I chose a harder route -uphill) so I gave up that day and waited a few days until my body was back on track and I did amazingly good, I was very proud of myself. You seem like a bit of an expert, I am just wondering is there a point on which a person is fit eneough to run daily? Or should the rule of waiting a day for muscles to regenerate be followed for good? I have a neighbour whom I haven't seen since summer (yes, because we all go everywhere by car, we live in a little village...) and he runs ultras, he runs for 3 hours in the mountains at a time and I don't recall wrong, he trains on a daily basis, so I asked him once if he doesn't have running related muscle pains/ fractures and general issues, his reply was that he has been doing this for many years and that it is when he doesn't run that he feels physical pain and experiences problems, does that mean that running can at a point stop being considered and extra effort for your body? Therefore.. That it mean that a professional runner can run on daily basis?
  5. Oh yes, winter is coming and running will start to be a real ordeal
  6. Hello Wendel, it's a big change from the previous weeks (the fifth week), the last day of week five its a third of the target (that's if yours is to do a 10k run) my advice to you: listen to your body, give your body necessary breaks and repeat days until you are happy, I'm giving advise here as If I was an expert, smarty pants! but it's because my body felt this big change and it ached so much and I wondered if I could actually keep doing this.. and I waited and I did it and now I am plased and craving to achieve more! please do write how you feel after accomplishing it. I'm sure you'll do excellent and feel like that too!
  7. Well, hats off to you! You should be so proud of yourself, 66? Asthmatic? What the heck? This is brilliant motivation! Thank you for sharing!
  8. Well, hats off to you! You should be so proud of yourself, 66? Asthmatic? What the heck? This is brilliant motivation! Thank you for sharing!
  9. So.. I'm a first time consistent runner, I've been doing this for over a month -maybe two, as it is lately that I've come to love it and can't wait to do it every other day. I just want to say to all those who have tried and at some point felt that they have failed or that running isn't for them.. Don't give up, keep trying! If you ever felt awesome when you finished your run then this is for you and you must keep going! Not long ago I was on week 5 day 3 of the 10k programme, I gave it a try, I figured if it said 2 miles or twenty minutes then that's the pace I should keep up with to be able to progress further on, so I installed another app that tracked the distance, turned out I was very short of two miles, when I finished my body was acheing, I had palpitations for the last minutes of the run, my legs felt so heavy... So I tried to do the same run two days later, my bottom hurt, my legs, I chose a harder track to run in.. Result? After 11 minutes I couldn't, I just stopped and went home very angry about it, I waited another two days until my body was back to normal and tried again, that was today, towards the end of the run I thought "what if I didn't do the two miles? -I'll just try again in two days... It turned out I did it! 2 miles in 20 minutes, I met the target and i was full of energy, for the first time I had no palpitations towards the end, no pain in legs and could have kept going even further, it felt amazing! Bottom line: don't force your sore body and don't feel guilty about it, you wait and come back stronger! It's early on, I'm only on week 5 but I felt the need to write this post as I know for a first time runner you can get discouraged as early as on week 1 of this programme, it does get better, your body gets used to this. Thanks to all the people out there supporting, answering questions, I'm greatful to have found this app and be part of this community, it's an awesome experience!
  10. just not being fit enough related cramps, is it ok to continue to run every other day or is it better to wait until it's gone?
  11. That's definitely the way to express it! You stole those words from muy sub-conscience! As I don't love every minute of it when I have to reasure myself I can do it and mustn't give up.. But it's worth it, the feeling you get when you finish... It's definetly the opposite feeling of the one you get when eating your favourite naughty food.. You enjoy it while eating but feel rubbish afterwards, running feels the other way around! If anybody is contemplating running and reading this: it really is worth a try, if I had a penny for every time I though, said and heard people say that they aren't made for running.. Everyone is, you just have to take it slowly and listen to your body! You will become an addict!
  12. That's definitely the way to express it! You stole those words from muy sub-conscience! As I don't love every minute of it when I have to reasure myself I can do it and mustn't give up.. But it's worth it, the feeling you get when you finish... It's definetly the opposite feeling of the one you get when eating your favourite naughty food.. You enjoy it while eating but feel rubbish afterwards, running feels the other way around! If anybody is contemplating running and reading this: it really is worth a try, if I had a penny for every time I though, said and heard people say that they aren't made for running.. Everyone is, you just have to take it slowly and listen to your body! You will become an addict!
  13. This is going to sound so silly but from hating exercise I've gone to thinking running its a bit like making love, it leaves you in a happy place, I'm hooked up! I'm loving it!
  14. I think the logic behind it is to prove that after all the previous trainings your body is more than ready for this, the following days are easier, I did it this morning, to be honest I didn't quite complete the challenge as apparently it's required to run 2 miles in those 20 minutes, but I kept it slow to avoid failure as I wasent sure my body could do it, after all I'm a first time ever runner, but in my defence it was in the mountains so there was hills and many rocks to step on.. Besides, as this app doesn't keep track on the distance I wasent sure what was expected, I used a separate app to track it, so now I know, I'll repeat w5d3 the day after tomorrow, my breathing seemed easy at the end but I did feel my legs very heavy, I don't know that I'll ever be able to run x4 that distance in one go
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