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Training for April 5k


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So I did it.

I got sick on Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday I was in bed, but I was determined to do the run today. I did it, but my time was not very good. I was hoping that I would get under 53 minutes. I got 54 min, 25 sec (10'53" pace per km) but I've done 53 minutes in so many practices I thought I could do better on the 5K because I would be pushing harder. I'm really sure it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm sick.

On the positive side, the fact that this is a private 5K because I couldn't walk the long distance to the city's 5K means that no one is going to get sick because I ran.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone who doesn't know that you're supposed to run then walk and run then walk, repeat,  I want to point out that the schedule I put above is a run/walk, run/walk, run/walk for however long you want to do it. Maybe twice maybe five times. And of course there is a 5 or 10 or even 15-minute warm-up and cool-down walk.

I did try my schedule and found that 30 seconds is good for me to do at the beginning, then go into the one minute runs until I get tired of that and just stop counting how many minutes I'm running versus how many minutes I'm walking.

Yeah, and that's after weeks and weeks of being on the program. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I ran for 10 minutes and 5 seconds without a walk break between. I have never run that long. The run was slightly downhill which helped, and it was towards the end of my run. For some reason, I always run better after 25-30 minutes..

I'm not sure if I will be able to run the 10K I've committed to in October, but if I continue to improve I think it can be done. I'll probably see if I can do another 5K before then and, hopefully, I won't be sick and will be able to have a faster pace/time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I loved reading this thread! I think the most important is they everyone is sticking to it even when the runs aren’t perfect. That’s awesome! It’s so easy to quit when we don’t do things the “right” way. If you’re moving toward your goals and feeling better while you do it, then it is the right way! 

Keep it up, you guys rock!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I have not used the c25k app for a long time. I rarely get on these forums. I still wanted to give a quasi update. I'm still on for a 10k run in October, but I don't know how much of it I will run and how much of it I will walk. I hope this time I will not be sick like I was for the 5K in April.

Thumbs up to all of you who are working to improve your health, working to successfully accomplish a 5k or 10k run, or have some other goal in mind that the c25k app will help you with. :)


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  • 1 month later...

People come and go rather quickly on this forum. I rarely come here anymore, and the people who were active when I was training for my 5k seem to also be gone.

I think most people don't get answers to questions because no one knows the answers. They are new, too.

I would recommend reading old threads. And do a lot of research online. The app that brought you here follows a schedule created elsewhere so you should be able to find info about almost any question you have.

(Problems with the app can be best helped by going to "feedback" in the app, which lets you send them an email.)

Remember, you can also get really bad advice online so check in several places before you decide to believe something.


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