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struggling with week 3


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I had no problems with weeks 1 & 2, but week three is kicking my butt! I could not jog a full 3 minutes once in any of the three days of week 3, so I restarted today. I did finally jog 3 minutes, but it was downhill after that. I couldn't even do the 90 second jog, and couldn't do even 2 minutes of the second 3 minute jog.


I'm going to try again Wednesday. 


Any tips on how to increase my stamina and get closer to week 4? I'm no closer now than last monday!

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I am in Week 6 and tomorrow is week 3.  I go out in the morning and eat a full breakfast a 1/2 hour before.  I start slowly, on both the walk and run phases.  In the running phase, it take small steps, smaller than usual, just to feel comfortable.  The time you spend running is more important than the distance.  If you work out a bit afterwards, all the better.  I bought the four app package and do everything except the pullups.  Hang in there.     

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I don't run, I jog slowly. Today I jogged for both 90 second intervals and the first three minute interval then only did 2 minutes 10 seconds of the second 180 second interval, which is my best day yet. 

I don't eat much before I jog/walk. I have a banana, coffee, sports drink, and a tablespoon of honey and some salt. I sip on a sports drink while I walk. I usually go jogging an hour or 90 minutes after I wake up. 

Today was the only day I started to cramp. It was on the last jog.


Going to try again Friday to finish week 3!

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You can do it Riverrotter. I found distraction works best for me as well as listening to my favourite tunes so Im not focusing on the time but rather just trying to zone out and clear my head. I didnt think Id ever be able to run 23 mins straight - Im up to week 7 - you can do it too! Slow down as well if you need to.

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I finally finished week 3 after two weeks. Started week 4 and didn't come close, so now it looks like I'm on track to repeat week 4 like I did week 3.

I listen to music and don't check the time when I run. I only check the time after I stop running to see how much I fell short of the set goal.

. I'm looking at at least 10 weeks to finish this if not 13 weeks. I have yet to miss a day. I go out 3 times a week and have done so since i started. 

Now I'm 48 and weighed 190 when I started and was out of shape, so I'm obviously an outlier. If a lot of people couldn't do this in 8 weeks, I'm sure they'd have tweaked it or turned it into a 10 or 12 week program, and this is why I feel frustrated with how I'm struggling. I did weeks 1 and 2 with no problem, but week 3 hit me hard, and week 4 did not start off well. Yes, I have more stamina now, but I'm falling further and further behind the goal of finishing this in 8 weeks.

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Let's check some details. How tired are you before you run? What do you eat before you run? We all need to keep in mind that we are not robots I am sure a significant number of people have had to repeat a week here and there, and perhaps even more than that. If you do not feel ready to rip when you begin, try to figure out why. Without that bounce in your step come it's going to be difficult.

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One more thing. They say that we should be able to have a conversation while running. In other words, we should go slowly enough to be able to do it. If you don't run with someone, you can either talk to yourself for memorize some poem for a speech and recite it while you're going. I do this myself, believe it or not I have committed several Shakespeare sonnets to memory and recite them while I'm jogging. Next stop is the Gettysburg address. Anything that can distract you is good.

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I agree with the previous reply. The numbers speak for themselves. Let's face it: were talking about our leg muscles. Anything you can do to strengthen your legs will help. I use the Zen Labs 200 squats app to great effect.  I tried doing the squats on days between runs, but then felt tired all the time.  Now, they are part of my running day routine, after running, and I take off one or two days afterwards.  On those resting days, I really watch what I eat.  The first time I did it that way, the next run went quite well.  The long and short of it is that we have to be clever and try different combinations and approaches.  What matters most is that the running sessions not be awful and painful.  It should feel like effort, but not so strenuous as to rob you of fun and of the desire to continue.   

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I run in the mornings. I live in the deep south, so in the summer, the heat index is in the high 90s by 10 am and triple digits by noon. 

I wake up between 5:30 -6:15. Have a banana, drink some coffee then start hydrating. I have a tablespoon of honey and some salt prior to leaving the house or training. drink a sugar free sports drink (Vitamin Water Zero) during my run and continue to hydrate afterwards.

I don't run. I jog and not a fast jog. I try to breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth and breath with the diaphram. 

I'm not tired prior to or after my runs. I may be winded when I get through with my final run, but not tired.

Again, I'm 48, 6'0 and 190 and was not in shape when I started, so I realize I may not the poster child for doing this n 8 weeks. I'm going to stick with it and hopefully week 4 will be the last week I have to repeat. I'm already a week behind schedule and it doesn't seem like I'll be able to finish week 4 in 3 days. Again, I realize this is not typical as I'm probably older and more out of shape than the average person who does this.


I'm going to stick with it. Just looking for tips on how to get through a these weeks without repeating them. Don't want to be the kid who has to repeat a grade!

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I am 62 and live in Manhattan.  I have had to repeat some days, not weeks.  This happens also in the Pushups App.  If I am close to the goal, but cannot finish it, I repeat the day until I can.  Maybe that can work for you.  Also, varying the pace of the jog may help.  My strong hunch is that each of has a "normal" pace, a pace that should be exceeded occasionally to jump start a higher speed or endurance.  Finally, I have learned that good jogging form requires the arms to move to and fro.  Poor form cuts down on pace and endurance.  


Good luck in your quest.  On Friday morning, I start week 8.  Oh...I focus not on distance, but time.  For me, this app is helping me achieve my baseline aerobic endurance, which is 30 minutes of continuous jogging.  Distance will come later. 

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did day 3 of week 4 today. jogged 3/3 minutes then 2 min 40 seconds/ 5 before I had to walk a bit. Then 2 forty again/3 then about 2 30/5 before I had to walk. Not even close to running 5 minutes non-stop.


I knew week 4 would be a struggle and I'd may have to repeat and I am. I started C25K 5 weeks ago, and I'm going to stick with it, (heck, I'm even going to run in New Orleans on Wed when I'll be there for a visit and be surrounded by delicious food, a lot of it fried, and many delicious libations! My goal now is to run a 5K on labor day which is 8 weeks away. I hope I can finish this program by then. That would put me on a 13 week schedule to finish this. Hate that I have to lower the bar so much though. 

Fingers crossed that week 4 is the last week I'll have to repeat.

BTW, I'm never sore. Does that mean I'm not pushing myself or that it's more of me getting winded. I had childhood asthma, but haven't had a problem in 42 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally managed to run 5 minutes straight! :)  I did it on day 4 of week four. jogged, slowly, for both 3 minute intervals and five minutes for the first five minute interval. For the second 5 minute interval, I only lasted 90 seconds before I had to walk for a minute then jog again, walk then jog the last minute.

Day 5 of week 4 was a carbon copy of Day 4. Day 6 I managed to jog about 2 minutes the last interval before having to walk.


Tomorrow I'll be starting the week 4 training for the third straight week.  :unsure:

If I was jogging any slower, I'd be walking. I run on a flat surface and am never sore. I try to breathe in through the nose and take deep breaths, pushing my diaphragm down and exhaling through the mouth.


After repeating week 3, I thought I'd have to repeat week four, but having to repeat it twice is rather discouraging. I'm not even close to jogging 5 minutes twice in one session :unsure: ,but I'm going to keep at it. 


Still accepting advice. Again, I'm never sore; I just get very winded.

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Anyone reading your post is happy to read that you can job for 3 minutes straight.   After being a couch potato, that's big progress.  Really.


However, prudence is called for.  We are have heard the statement:  consult your doctor before embarking on this exercise program.  Did you do that?  


How's your BMI?  


You might try doing some fartleks. That Swedish word for "Speed Play" is the worst word in the English vocabulary.  However, don't let that get in your way.  Use it.  All it means is varying your speed.  Try something like this when in the jogging phase.  
Jog for 20 paces (two foot fallls is a pace),

10 paces a bit faster,

and 5 paces faster still.  When you run fast, be SURE to slow down  slowly.  Not doing that can stress your hamstrings, as happened to me.    


After a few rounds of that, I go back to normal jogging.  Then, I do it in palindrome order: Jog, Faster,, Sprint, Slower, Jog.   

Jog, Faster, Spring, Slower, Jog.    


If you try this, let us know how it goes.


Good luck.  Prudence.  

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One more thing about fartlek.  The reason it works so well to build endurance has to do the body mechanics of speeding up and slowing down.  Both of those efforts engage the muscles more deeply than a steady effort.  More muscle engagement, the more calories burned, and the stronger they become.  That's why soccer players are so awesomely sleek...running speed in soccer is always changing.  

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I try to breathe in through the nose and take deep breaths, pushing my diaphragm down and exhaling through the mouth.


What is good for yoga is not always good for running.... Try to breathe normally, as you do when walking. If your muscles are never sore but you out of breathe while jogging it could be yout breathing technique ...

Another trick you can try is switch from time to distance, it feels easier for me.


Also remember that week 4 - is biggest increase in run time for whole program!

You should not worry about repeats, it is very normal.

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Had to call a mulligan on today's training. About a minute into the first 5 minute jog, I had to come to a complete stop for reasons out of my control and could not start running again until about a minute later.


I do need to work on breathing. I'm literally wheezing when I have to stop during the second five minute jog interval. As I said before, I had childhood asthma, but haven't had an episode since I was 6, 42 years ago.


As far as repeating days and weeks being "normal," I don't buy that. If that were true, then wouldn't this program have been adjusted? Wouldn't it have been made into a 10 week program or the days in each week be steps up, not the same? For example, week four day one is jog 3, walk 90 seconds, jog 4 walk, jog 3 walk, jog 4, then day 2 is run in intervals of 3, 5, 3 and 4 then the final day be the 3 5 3 5 day? 



After my first attempt at week three, I knew there was no way I could do this in 8 weeks. I started this in the first week of June and have trained 3 days a week since then. My goal is to run a 5k on labor day. That puts me on a 13-14 week schedule, which given my repeat of week 3 and third attempt at week 4, seems to be a reasonable goal.


I'm proud of the progress I've made so far and will keep running. I just don't think the 8 week goal was realistic for a person my age and level of inactivity prior to starting.

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As far as repeating days and weeks being "normal," I don't buy that. If that were true, then wouldn't this program have been adjusted?

This is "universal" program, but all people are different! Of course it should be adjusted to your abilities. It is recommended schedule only.

If you can follow them - good, if not - modify it (repeat, change the walk time, speed, etc)


BTW if you search C25K, you can find somewhat different schedules on internet. I have started with printed out C25K for 9 weeks before I have found the C25K 8 weeks program for the smartphone.....

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I agree with the preceding post.  It takes a long as it takes.  with a history of asthma, it's gping to be different for you.  What you are doing is great...you are engaging with the program.  I wouldn't be surprised if your stamina and muscle tone is not changing for the better.  Your eventual success and victory will be al the sweeter for all the effort you will have put in.


Keep it up.  And do consult with your doctor.   

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What is good for yoga is not always good for running.... Try to breathe normally, as you do when walking. If your muscles are never sore but you out of breathe while jogging it could be yout breathing technique ...

Another trick you can try is switch from time to distance, it feels easier for me.


Also remember that week 4 - is biggest increase in run time for whole program!

You should not worry about repeats, it is very normal.

I took your advice and did not worry about breathing through the nose. It seemed to help! Did 3/3, 5/5, 3/3 then ran 3/5 of the last "run" before I had to walk for 30 seconds or so before jogging the last 85 seconds. Did not wheeze like had had been! I think I'm now on track to finish week 4 on Friday and start week 5 monday!

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  • 1 month later...

Week four kicked my butt, but I did it! It took me three tries plus another day before I could  complete the assignment, but I did it!

Week five has been much easier so far. I did day one in two tries and day 2 in one try. This morning was Day, where I was supposed to run 20 straight minutes. I jogged 10 before I had to stop and walk 1 then jogged 4, walked 1.5 then jogged the remainder, so I jogged 17.5 out the 20 minutes, which I feel pretty good about.


Signed up for a 5k two weeks from today. I know that unless I get some superhuman powers, I won't have finished C25K by then, but I know I can beat my baseline time I set back in late may of 39 minutes.

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