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I've just hit week 4, and I'm getting really stuck for the first time. Almost every other week, id either repeat one day or none at all - now I've tried week 4 probably about 7 times and only finished it once. I tried going back to week 3, and that feels fairly easy. Any tips? I'm starting to get rather frustrated.

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4th week is a huge increase in running time - 75%.

On my first C25K I got it quite easy, since my pace was very slow.

On my second C25k (6.5mph, 3% incline) I also stuck. I know I can reduce the pace of running and I will get it.

But my goal this time is get the pace  I want. So I am slowly preparing myself for this speed.

For the first timer I would definitely reduce the pace. Also you may try week 3.5 :D : 3 min running, 2 min walking, 4 -7 intervals.

After that 16 min of run (W4D1) should go  easier.

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