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Fat middle aged Brit with a Gammy leg and his journey through C25k

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Hello everybody my name is Peter I started C25k five weeks ago after going for health checkup and being told my blood pressure was high and I was 6 1/2 stone overweight.

My gammy leg is from cerebral palsy with makes me uncoordinated and weaker on my right side. I avoided sports at school I was hopeless at everything and got teased relentlessly so just avoided it.

I'm 47 1/2 years old. My blood pressure was 170/120


Week one, sixty seconds of running? Day 1 couldn't do it. Day two and day 3 could just do it with occasional few seconds of walking.

Week two, 90 seconds of running. Yes I could.

Week three, 3 whole minutes of running no way I will be able to do that. Well yes I could if I ran very very slowly. I'm thinking if I'm moving I'm improving.

Week four, day one today. No way no way no way will I manage 5 mins of running with only short breaks. I put it off for a couple of hours and went out feeling I was about to fail... Well I did it very very very slowly but I definitely kept moving and didn't walk any of the runs.so I'm pleased. Looking forward to the rest of the runs this week.


I'm posting here to keep a diary for myself and also to encourage others. If I can , you can.

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Week five day three complete! Sort of....

Well today was supposed to be a rest day but the combination of yesterdays 12 min run and knowing that tomorrow I was not going to be able to run made me decide to try the big twenty minute run today.


Warmed up set of . 8 mins 40 seconds into the run and I HAD to walk for 20 seconds (I timed it). Then I started running again. With a bit of deep breathing I ran the rest and 3.5 mins of the warm down. So would you count that as a completed week and move on or rerun W5D3? I feel elated and depressed at the same time.

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