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First steps. Training for Mudderella in Sept.


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Hello all!


Nothing like signing up for a 5 mile obstacle course to motivate me to get off my butt! I've completed W1D1. and will do W1D2 tomorrow. I have a tendency to get excited and do to much too soon, so I am mentally prepping myself now to repeat week 1 regardless of how i feel, just as a precaution. Especially because I am running for the first time in 4 years, and am recovering from a torn ankle ligament. I am a nurse and work shift work, 4 on 4 off, so would love some tips about how to balance running with a highly physical job. Also how many days between runs is too many? Looking forward to some accountability buddies :)

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Im afraid I cant answer the physical job run balance but I do know that you shouldnt let three days go by without running or some kind of cardio. After that running becomes super difficult haha I speak from experience 

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Well yesterday would have been the day for W1D2.. But my ankle was still sore, so I went for a nice long bike ride instead. Today I feel great. Totally up for W1D2, but now I'm back at work for my next set. Working 7.30am-7:30pm just doesn't leave any time for running that I can find right now. Not without losing a bunch of extra sleep. Same shift tomorrow. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out.

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Good for you Camilicon,


So proud of you.  Yes, when you work a shift like that, it is hard to fit a workout in.  But, do you sit all day?, walk ?, now that is a great workout too if you are on your feet all day.  I am surprised that i can get 4 miles a day in, just walking around my house cleaning, etc....  Keep us posted here!  

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