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C25k music question


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Hi. I'm a newb with C25k and honestly I don't use music on my Android very often. I'd like to play music while I run. However, I can't get the C25k app to find my Google playlists it does find some 10-year old Apple playlists which somehow migrated to my phone (I do not have the Apple player). What do I have to do to get the app to discover that Google playlist?



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Hmm. I'm trying to conserve bandwidth when I'm away from wifi and I like to pick my music when running (though I love Pandora for other stuff) but another music program might work. Does the app fade the music down when it talks to you? Also, is there a Zen Labs person reading these forums? It seems unusual that an Android app doesn't look for Google stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What I do is just go into my music app, which is the Samsung music player (or sometimes Google Play Music app) and start the music from there while I'm stretching. Then I just open the C25K app and start the workout. I've never really done my music through the C25K app.


On mine, it fades the music down while giving run/walk prompts then brings it back up.

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  • 4 months later...

I have found the answer to this dilemma: Within an android phone your songs will appear under Sounds not Playlists.  If you scroll down the list of Sounds you will find them, hopefully listed sequentially but if not just rename them with a "1" at the start of the song name and they will then come up at the top of the list.  When you start the timer, click on the musical notes at the bottom left of the screen and then on the right it will say Playlists which once clicked will bring up the Sounds and Playlists tabs.  From there you need to click on Sounds and scroll down to where your music starts and click on whatever song you wont to start from and they will play from that point.  Hope this helps - I was very happy to get it working.

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  • 1 year later...

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