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Week 1, Day 1....


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Hello all - 


Never been a runner and have always envied the people who can run. Can't say that this is my first time starting a program that is exercise related. My track record for finishing such programs is not good mostly because life "gets in the way". I am overweight, turning 40 this year (eek) and spending my day working (aka sitting down behind the computer), and evenings driving my two kids from one sport to another (while finishing up work either in my head or while waiting for the practice to end). The main goal for me with this is to lose some of that extra dough that I am carrying around and become healthy. Secondly, my son has a 5K run in early May (benefiting his school) and my goal is also to surprise him and do the run together this year. Too ambitious? We shall see...


Today was Week 1, Day 1 and I did it. I feel good. My heel hurts a bit (I have heel spurs) but hoping that the pain gets more manageable/better once I lose some weight and figure out how to actually step when I run. As I am writing this, I have anxiety about Day 2 already (I am a planner and tend to worry a lot (and yes, sometimes without any reason), it's just who I am). I am skeptical of this program but really hoping it will work as long as I do my part. I am worried that doing this on my own (without the family knowing) will be hard which is why I am hoping for support and accountability with this post. 


Thanks all!


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Hey Kat I'm Kitty lol(really it's my real name) I just finished week1day2 I am not a runner either. I feel day2 was a little easier..just keep on going you CAN do it. There's 2 sign in my kickboxing gym that I love it says just remember sweat is fat crying and you can have excuses or results not both. I remember those two during my run :) keep up the good work !

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welcome welcome to both of you! This is a great program and I sincerely hope you guys keep at it! I know its hard not to look forward to the days coming up but you gotta remember to be present in the day your in. If you keep looking forward theres a chance anxiety could get the best of you. If you want to look ahead look to when you finish the program and run that 5k with your kiddo :)

Good luck and keep us posted!!

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