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Everything posted by TaraP

  1. Wow! I can hear the enthusiasm and confidence in your post. Good for you! Enjoy your elation. You deserve it!
  2. I am not an expert. But from what I understand from reading forums is that in order to increase speed, you should slowly build up distance, which will help your endurance. However, on a more positive note, congrats on completing the program. It must have felt great to run for 40 minutes straight. Good luck on achieving your next goal. To see how your time is, check some 5 k race results in your gender and age category. See where you fit in. Although running is a race against yourself, looking at other people's times may give you some perspective. Cheers!
  3. Well, I got sidelined yesterday. Feeling unwell so took a sick day and slept most of the day. Must have been what I needed. Today I had to use the treadmill due to thunder showers. I had not been on that dreaded machine in quite a while. I really had no idea what speed to run at. I did my 90 second runs at 4.5 mph. Too slow as I discovered by the end of my workout, although I was sweating, I did not feel I had pushed myself enough by the end. Anyways, Week 2 day 2 is completed. Hopefully on Thursday I will be able to run outside, but if I have to use the big bad machine I will aim a little faster for the runs. feeling good and motivated.
  4. Good for you. I like the sound of running on some trails. Maybe I will do that next week-end, as I have to drive to get to any. I enjoy reading your log.
  5. I have run two times since I have updated. Last Wed I planned to do Week1 day 3, but I couldn't get the app to work. So, I just ran, for about 25 minutes. On Friday I did week 2 day 1. After the workout with the app I continued with some running and walking, followed by brisk walking until I had completed 45 minutes. My total distance was 5.26 kms, so my pace was faster than the previous times I had used the app. I was wondering if I was going to be able to complete 5 kms in 40 minutes, but I was not able. I was planning to run today, but I walked to and from the store and bought a new bike, and then I went for a bike ride with my girls. I still planned to go out for a run, but ran out of time. Tomorrow for sure! I am actually looking forward to it. Thanks for the encouragement.
  6. I just wanted to say I loved reading your log. Such enthusiasm. It makes me motivated!!!
  7. I just wanted to say I loved reading your log. Such enthusiasm. It makes me motivated!!!
  8. oh my goodness. I started my log by typing my entry on my cell phone. When I touched post new topic it did not seem like I was actually posting. So I touched post again, and again... Well you get the picture. Can somebody from admin delete my multiple posts, or tell me how to do it. I am new to this site and now you all must think I am an ego-maniac!!! For real I am not!! Any help is appreciated!!
  9. I have decided that I want to keep track of my progress and struggles. I am hoping it will encourage me to keep going, and will be a way for me to monitor my progress. I have enjoyed and been inspired by other people's logs. So perhaps I can motivate somebody else in the process, although I am not sure that I can be as witty as some other logs I have read! So, I started to use this app because I have been struggling to make consistent progress with my running. I have never actually followed a plan. So I thought that perhaps by doing so I might be able to reach the goals and feel less frustrated. I completed my first run on May 17th. I did not struggle with the running which I was pleased with. I continued to walk after I was done the program until I had exercised for a total of 45 minutes. I did 5.16 kms in those 45 minutes. It was hot and humid and I felt drenched but good. More importantly I was able to use this app, play my music, and use Map my Run, all at the same time, without feeling like I wanted to throw my phone away. A technological achievement for me!! On May 18 I planned on a rest day and just walking. I had to talk myself into going out because I had gone golfing in the morning and I was trying to convince myself that was "good enough". But, I talked myself in going out for a walk. I must have been feeling enthusiastic about using the app because I actually forgot it was a rest day, and I began using the program. I realized after a few jnervals but kept going. I completed 5.12 kms in 45 minutes, again walking after I finished the program. I was surprised I did not do a bit more as j ft I pushed myself a bit harder than the first time out. But I think I may have run a bit faster and it was harder to walk at a fast pace. Plus it was windy, and hot, and I had been very active since my last run. Today was a true rest day. No exercise. I am excited to use the program tomorrow.
  10. HI there, My name is Tara and I live in Ontario Canada. I am 41 years old. I am in pretty decent shape. I find that when I am in a phase when I am running, I am the most active. I tend to be active for a few months, then not as active and than kick myself in the butt. Anyways, I have been doing very well in keeping active for about 5 weeks. I have been doing some running, not following any specific plan. But I feel like I make progress and than fall behind again, which is discouraging. So I decided to follow this program to see if I can make some consistent progress which I believe will keep me motivated. So this morning I completed day 1, week 1. After I was done I walked briskly until I completed 5 km. I felt good the whole time. I look Forward to checking in with everybody here. I know it will be good motivation!
  11. Hello! The fact that you are enjoying being active is a good sign. Keep us posted on your progress. Cheers to good health! Tara
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