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c25k, completed

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I just completed my first 5k run, right in the 30 minutes allocated time.

I have to say it felt really good.

To give you a little background, I'm 35 years old, and I have not done any real sports... for most of my life.

I started somewhere in May, last year :) . Ever since then, I ran each week until I felt confident about moving on to the next one.

For me it was mostly about getting in shape and safely reaching the 5k point.

So about one year later, I am at the point that I can make the 5k run, without any breath issues or pains.

And yeah, I did drop some weight as well which is nice.


Now I will slowwwwly move towards the 10k program, hopefully I will return in a year with another success story.


To conclude, here is a picture of the place I first ran the 5k challenge.



Have fun!


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