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Getting Started


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I am quite possibly the most excuse filled human on the planet. I have let myself go, decided to return to bed in the morning after getting kids to school instead of getting on with my day. I've been depressed since my mom has passed and I often feel overwhelmed by raising my active boys while my husband is gone for weeks on end. Cue the violins..... I NEED to change my damn life and quit feeling sorry for myself. I need to keep myself accountable and for that I am asking for your help. I am starting today at 161 lbs, I need to loose 12 for a BMI of 25, but would dream of loosing 25. Most of all, I want to FEEL better and STRONGER.

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Hi There Meg.



Yeah, sometimes life is hard, and we want to return to our beds., where the world is safe!!!  I have had those days.


NOW I AM GOING TO GET TOUGH, LOL.... GET OUT OF THAT BED, get out the door and run, or on a treadmill.  YOU WILL FEEL WAY BETTER........  Your kids will love you for it, and you will be a much happier Mom for them.


They are your light, your reason for lving and feeling good about yourself....


My hubby is gone every week, no more kids for me left at home, and what I WOULD GIVE to have kids here again...  I miss that life... 


Get UP, Clean the house, strap on those shoes and get outdoors.....   You can do it....   I am so prou of you for this post..    Everyone is here for you!!!!!


KEEP ME POSTED!!!   I luv ya!!!   You can do this!   Ok, I think I just motivated myself to move it!!!  lol

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