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Guest Deidre

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Guest Deidre

I ran my first 5K in May. It was a cool morning and when its cool my nose starts running it will go down into my throat and make it hard to breath. Is there a solution to this or is it inevitable? I have another 5K in a couple of weeks and I'm afraid the same situation is going to happy

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At any drug store you can find a Vicks (or an off-brand) vapor stick.  It looks like a small tube of chap-stick but it's like Vicks Vapo-Rub in a little tube that you just kind of breathe in each side of your nose to help dry up a runny nose.  I'm a farmer and when I have to be out in the cold working on fences, feeding cows, etc. I always keep a little tube of it in my pocket.  Hope it works for you too!

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