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new to this "jogging"...


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And loving it! I've only done two days (but it has only checked off 1?) But the feeling of accomplishment is amazing! I just can't believe that I'm jogging.. even if it's only a bit faster than walking. I've had pneumonia twice in the last two years so i have some scaring on my lungs but i think it might just mean i have to take a little longer. I WILL GET THERE!

so excited for my next run tomorrow!

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Hi there Dairy Maiden,


You can hold down on that day in the app and it will put a checkmark on there for you.


Uggh on you being sick like that. Hownare your lungs feeling now???


Great job on the jogging. Anything faster than a walk is way way faster than anyone sitting around. So proud of you for doing this. Keep us posted here.



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