Hi everyone! @RealNurseMom I am a new runner too. I didn't start with running though,I started with calisthenics and worked my way up to running and it is still hard. Start slow with exercises that you think are fun. I found workouts on Youtube. Now I can do week one, no problem, but it took a while to get there. Week 2 is a killer for me, so I do it at my own pace. I stop when I absolutely feel I can't continue running, but continue to walk, then resume running when I think I can after a short breather while walking. You have to cut back on food, athletes go on a vegan diet while training. Endurance increases on a vegan diet. Go at your own pace, but you do have to push yourself. I use too be a nurse too, but I have always managed to eat a healthy diet and keep a proper perspective on health with prayer and reading the book Ministry of Healing available for free online or as a free app at Google play store. I am routing for you. Increase your water intake if you are not already getting at least 8 glasses of water a day. That helps. Decrease sugar.