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  1. So 2015 was a year of change for me. I lost 70 lbs got off all meds and am in the best health I have been in since my 20's. But I still feel like there is more to improve. My entire life(even when I was young) I didn't believe I was physically capable of running. But I just got back from disney and seeing those marathon runners inspired me... why can't i? I have never really tried... granted if I tried running a full marathon now I would probably end up pushing up daisies... but I have already overcome obstacles no one thought possible. I have lupus sleep with overlap syndrome, pulmonary arterial hypertension... and a bunch of other stuff not worth talking about. I didn't think I'd be able to get off meds. I'm supposed to be getting worse... but I did and I'm not. ... so if I try and fail... at least I tried... One day at a time one step at a time. .. one mile at a time until I reach my goal. This year I'm not going to focus on the numbers on my scale. I'm gonna focus on my overall health and fitness goals. Good luck everyone.... hope to make new friends in the process.
  2. So 2015 was a year of change for me. I lost 70 lbs got off all meds and am in the best health I have been in since my 20's. But I still feel like there is more to improve. My entire life(even when I was young) I didn't believe I was physically capable of running. But I just got back from disney and seeing those marathon runners inspired me... why can't i? I have never really tried... granted if I tried running a full marathon now I would probably end up pushing up daisies... but I have already overcome obstacles no one thought possible. I have lupus sleep with overlap syndrome, pulmonary arterial hypertension... and a bunch of other stuff not worth talking about. I didn't think I'd be able to get off meds. I'm supposed to be getting worse... but I did and I'm not. ... so if I try and fail... at least I tried... One day at a time one step at a time. .. one mile at a time until I reach my goal. This year I'm not going to focus on the numbers on my scale. I'm gonna focus on my overall health and fitness goals. Good luck everyone.... hope to make new friends in the process.
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